War crimes are an effin' joke. If everyone's doing it (yes, USA, you do it too), and no one's getting punished, WHY THE HELL IS IT A CRIME?
Look, several countries have done similar things to what Germany did in WW II, mostly at smaller proportions. Israel, with the palestines; the US, with every other country in the world; the UK, England notably, with its neo-colonialism policies at the beginning of the past century; Netherlands; France; Spain... the list goes on and on, and Europe is certainly the worst portion of the world as far as international crimes go.
Why do people always point out Israel when discussing war crimes and say they are committing them against Palestinians? If Israel wanted to destroy the Palestinians, they are MORE than capable of doing so, in fact if Israel wanted to kill every Muslim in the Middle East they are more than capable...
Israel has a massive stockpile of chemical and biological weapons as well as upwards of 250 nuclear devices... If they wanted to, they could destroy the Middle East. But they don't want to... They have those weapons for one thing and one thing only... Last resort defense... If one day Israel is on the verge of being utterly destroyed by their neighbors, you can bet your ass there will be war crimes committed, but not until then.
And before you say I am pro-Israel I hate Israel for what it is doing in it slow slow settlement of Palestinian territory, but there is nothing that can be done... Israel will not give up Jerusalem and thus no peace will ever be met unless the Palestinians are willing to give up Jerusalem, which will also not happen... And the settlement has almost reached the point of no return, you can move a couple hundred or thousand settlers somewhere else, but there are literally tens of thousands now... It must stop soon or it will be to late to stop.
I dislike how your post implies that either a country isn't being criminal or it's going all-f***ing-out. Sure, it hasn't nuked the Middle East because they're not STUPID. Why would they nuke the largest reserve of oil in the world, risking the loss of support from the country that guarantees their military power, the US -- because, let's face it, Israel's USA's middle-east puppet.
The creation of the State of Israel was f***ed up since the beginning, a great ploy for the Western developped countries to set camp near their most valuable resource, petroleum, but a crime against the people who already lived there, and had to be moved out because a few million people said that that was their country A FEW THOUSAND YEARS AGO. While we're at it, let's give the U.S. back to England, Brazil to Portugal and the rest of Latin America to Spain.
I'm anti-Israel (and please don't misunderstand this and claim I'm an anti-Semite. You'd be making a fool of yourself), period. They invaded another peoples' country of residence and offer almost no flexibility, taking whatever they want for their own. The least they could do is share the territory with the palestinians, and offer an equalitarian political division. Instead, they destroy the means of living of their neighbours (grape vines take more than a dozen years to mature). I'm glad the number of palestines is rapidly increasing while the number of Israelites is going from steady to decreasing. Their nuclear bombs will never get deployed because North America, Europe and the UN would never allow it, and they'll be greatly outnumbered by the pallestinians in a few years. I'm not saying this would lead to a loss in the Israeli state: it has the best trained air force in the world, and one of the best military, but terrorist attacks and bombings will increase to the point that the Jewish people will start asking if living in Israel or Jerusalem is worth it.
Um... What? Son, ever heard of the Ottoman Empire...? What is this "western ploy to set up camp near their most valuable resource?"
Once WW1 ended France and England divided up the former Ottoman Empire and inserted puppet governments in those "new" countries (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan)... All of which are much closer to the resources you speak of (which weren't even important to either France or England in 1918-1920)... What was important was Egypt... And the Suez Canal... And England's access to India... The Middle East was just road for England to reach India on... That is all.
And what crime was committed against those who lived there? The Jews in the early 1900s through the 1920s-30s were BUYING land FROM PALESTINIANS and setting up settlements... In the "BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE" as it wasn't even a Palestinian nation at that point either... Then by 1948, India had partitioned from Britain, they just lost millions of people in WW2, and didn't give two poops about the Middle East any more and left Palestine to fend for itself... Preparing for that for years, Israel established itself instantly... And every single neighboring Arab nation attacked that new state... And they defended themselves... And hundreds of thousands of Palestinians LEFT ON THEIR OWN TO GET AWAY FROM THE WAR... And the 1948 borders were established after the United Nations intervened (though Jordan actually stopped attacking once they occupied all of the West Bank) (and similarly Egypt with Gaza) - Two places they (ARAB NATIONS) would continue to occupy until the 1967 war...
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