India isn't ready to be a permanent member of the Security Council.
To be a permanent member you have to a leader in at least 2 categories:
1. Largest arms traffickers only. Responsible for supplying arms to most of the world's hotspots leading to at least 10,000 deaths and woundings and untold suffering.
2. Biggest bullies ever. Threaten anyone and everyone either directly or indirectly. Use your economic and military might interchangeably to obtain favourable terms on a global scale for anything and everything you want.
3. Direct Action Testing. Yessir, arming everyone else's dirty little wars is insufficient. Sometimes you need direct feedback, unsullied by 3rd party intermediaries. Invade thy neighbour. Or at least some too bit island somewhere and test out those systems. There's no substitue for first hand experience.
4. Killing spree. Invading, threatening, trafficking arms: it is not enough that you have done it. You have to be consistent. We need to see a spree over at least a few decades.
5. Holier than thou. Easier said then done. You need to look directly in the camera and either deny it, or take claim for it with wild eyed conviction that it is/was the right thing to do. Balancing this self serving rhetoric whilst maintaining some semblance of moral superiority for your actions is key.
6. Selective do nothing. That's right. When it isn't in your interest, it obviously doesn't exist. Related to the point above, this is a tricky balance of remembering to justify the last time you actually did something as being right, while differentiating the current situation as being microscopically different and thereby justifying doing nothing this time. If the problem takes cares of itself through genocide, even better.
As you can see, India is not quite ready yet. I suggest they invade Ceylon...err Sri Lanka and re-monopolize that tea trade. Or at least get into some more serious clashes with Pakistan over some worthless mountain passes. And they definately need to step up their arms exports. Ok sure, they are getting better at importing arms from the current security council members, but I wanna see more Indian arms out there in the world's trouble spots.
In short, they need to get their direct or indirect body count up there before they deserve a shot at a seat.
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