The basis of a businesses ability to discriminate doesn't just apply to getting wedding cakes and flowers, it also can effect far greater aspects of the discriminated persons life such as ability to get housing and effect their economic limitations by being bound socially, in can effect their ability to seek an accredited education, it can effect their ability to use banks, get loans and credit, buy a car, using hospital, getting a job.
Even as far back as the 1800s after the Civil War, many blacks stayed in the south and partook in sharecropping, but were unable due to racial discrimination to utilize goods and services like buying farming supplies, except for stores specifically designated to serve blacks. These stores would systematically overcharge the blacks on goods far higher than the market for white stores, and would have a credit system with impossibly high interest rates that kept them indebted for life. Impossible to escape the debt, many tried fleeing, whereby laws were passed to curfew them and prevent them from leaving. It basically became slavery by another name.
So, where does one draw the line. Should businesses be allowed to discriminate on basis of any federal protected class? I mean, go just decades back and people used religion to discriminate on basis of race, now they do it for gays. Should it be allowed to effect their hiring practices? Should private schools and accredited educational institutions be allowed to discriminate on any grounds? Should the real estate market? Landlords? Private services? Limiting peoples access to public accommodation limits them both socially and economically.
Lastly, the religious people that support this have failed to make a compelling basis how denying service to federally protected classes is an affront to their religion, nor explain how it's not discriminatory. After all, if one were to say their Christian beliefs were the foundation for refusing service to someone, what other everyday practices by their customers would they object to by those same standards? I mean, they shouldn't just be able to pick and choose, that'd just be evidence they're using religion as a proxy for discrimination. To apply the religious standards, they'd have to show that their basis for serving customers must be an across the board approval of all aspects of the tenants of their religion, and frankly, they'd have no customers if that were the case.
Let's not parse the issue, this is simply about one thing, right wing bigotry. It's not religious in nature, religion is only a proxy in this battle, if anything it's an affront to religion because people are abusing the name of God and what is holy and righteous in an attempt to justify their scum of the Earth behavior.
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