Coming out of the words of Rumsfeld: We cannot track 2.3 Trillian Dollars of transactions.
Thats enough to pay off 10,000: 230 Million dollars each.
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Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?fax555241
[QUOTE="fax555241"]Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?hoop_hard
oh that makes sense.
9/11 is a conspiracy because a bunch of losers who live in their moms basements over analyze things. Whether it was a conspiracy or not, it doesnt matter. I dont see why people care to figure this stuff out. What are you going to do if it was a conspiracy? Revolt? Stop paying taxes? It wont change anything, they control it.RMage
What are you going to do? Nothing.
It does matter. It matters to the American Cititzens, especially to the families of the people to who lost their lives on 9/11. Im pretty sure it matters to them. If your mom died, wouldn't you want to know how she died? Would it matter to you?
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"][QUOTE="fax555241"]Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?fax555241
oh that makes sense.
[QUOTE="fax555241"][QUOTE="hoop_hard"][QUOTE="fax555241"]Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?hoop_hard
oh that makes sense.
[QUOTE="RMage"]9/11 is a conspiracy because a bunch of losers who live in their moms basements over analyze things. Whether it was a conspiracy or not, it doesnt matter. I dont see why people care to figure this stuff out. What are you going to do if it was a conspiracy? Revolt? Stop paying taxes? It wont change anything, they control it.hoop_hard
What are you going to do? Nothing.
It does matter. It matters to the American Cititzens, especially to the families of the people to who lost their lives on 9/11. Im pretty sure it matters to them. If your mom died, wouldn't you want to know how she died? Would it matter to you?
Your right, im not going to do anything, because I know I cant. I know how they lost their lives, they died from a severe building collapse. They know how they died, and are grieving. Dont talk to me about death, ive experienced plenty of it. I mean you think the government could plan something this good? President Bush almost choked to death on a freaking pretzel. They couldnt of organized this. Someone would have denied the bribe. Some would speak up.
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"][QUOTE="RMage"]9/11 is a conspiracy because a bunch of losers who live in their moms basements over analyze things. Whether it was a conspiracy or not, it doesnt matter. I dont see why people care to figure this stuff out. What are you going to do if it was a conspiracy? Revolt? Stop paying taxes? It wont change anything, they control it.RMage
What are you going to do? Nothing.
It does matter. It matters to the American Cititzens, especially to the families of the people to who lost their lives on 9/11. Im pretty sure it matters to them. If your mom died, wouldn't you want to know how she died? Would it matter to you?
Your right, im not going to do anything, because I know I cant. I know how they lost their lives, they died from a severe building collapse. They know how they died, and are grieving. Dont talk to me about death, ive experienced plenty of it. I mean you think the government could plan something this good? President Bush almost choked to death on a freaking pretzel. They couldnt of organized this. Someone would have denied the bribe. Some would speak up.
Actually many of them are coming forth saying that they still have not gotten adequate answers & its obvious that you don't know how they died. Also, I have experienced deaath too, everyone has its part of life.
Furthermore, how do you argue aganist molten hot titrate spewing out of the World Trade center? MOLTEN HOT. Was that from the plane?
So Mr Sane Man, who killed Kennedy? I think it was Lee Harvey Oswald, but that's just downright outrageous! And Area 51? They're keeping all the aliens and their technology there aren't they?
Conspiracies are just loads of bullcrap written up by retards who spend too much time looking at things the wrong way and incorrectly interpreting things they read on the seriousbusnitubes.
Furthermore, you don't even know what titrate is do you? Unless someone was experimenting at the time of the tragedy, your statement doesn't mean anything at all!So Mr Sane Man, who killed Kennedy? I think it was Lee Harvey Oswald, but that's just downright outrageous! And Area 51? They're keeping all the aliens and their technology there aren't they?
Conspiracies are just loads of bullcrap written up by retards who spend too much time looking at things the wrong way and incorrectly interpreting things they read on the seriousbusnitubes.
Furthermore, you don't even know what titrate is do you? Unless someone was experimenting at the time of the tragedy, your statement doesn't mean anything at all!AlternatingCaps
My bad, Its late. I meant to say THERMITE. There was visible thermite spewing out of the building.
[QUOTE="fax555241"]Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?hoop_hard
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"][QUOTE="fax555241"]Call me Stupid but I don't understand how 9/11 was Conspircay can some one tell me?LJS9502_basic
Yea it was. Then what was? Was it the Weapons of Mass Descructions that were never found? You might want to brush up a bit on facts & fiction.
heres what happened:
our goverment payed off "terrorists" to crash 2 planes into the towers, bombs were already planted iside and right before the planes crashed they blew the bottome bombs to make teh bottom unstable so the tower would fall. they also crashed a few other planes in other places like the pentagon, but dont you find it strange that they found bodies at the pentagon crash but the plane had been completely desintegrated? anyway they also took all the tapes from the surrounding buildings. they did all of this to start a war on "terror" so they could enforce the homeland secruity act to take away as many rights as possible and to strart a war in iraq so we could take the oil. just another case of our goverment being money hungry bastards...
[Yea it was. Then what was? Was it the Weapons of Mass Descructions that were never found? You might want to brush up a bit on facts & fiction.
:roll: You know just because the WMD's were a means to get us into a war doesn't mean they actually HAD to be found. Once the war is's started.
The conspiracy theory makes ZERO sense. Do you know how many AMERICAN citizens would have had to have let this occur? Do you think after all this time...NO ONE would have leaked the secret?
911 WAS NOT the reason the war was fought. Did Bush use it after the fact...yes. But he would have gotten us into the war whether 911 occured or not.
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"][Yea it was. Then what was? Was it the Weapons of Mass Descructions that were never found? You might want to brush up a bit on facts & fiction.
:roll: You know just because the WMD's were a means to get us into a war doesn't mean they actually HAD to be found. Once the war is's started.
The conspiracy theory makes ZERO sense. Do you know how many AMERICAN citizens would have had to have let this occur? Do you think after all this time...NO ONE would have leaked the secret?
911 WAS NOT the reason the war was fought. Did Bush use it after the fact...yes. But he would have gotten us into the war whether 911 occured or not.
How do you explain the thermite burning on the structures right before the collaspe?
How do you explain the families saying they still dont know how their loved ones died?
How do you explain Bush fumbling about anything said about 9/11?
Why did Bush say that he wasnt concerned about finding Osama Bin Laden, just 6 Months after the attack?
Why did Bush lie about what he was doing on 9/11?
Why did Bush create a Commission for 9/11 411 days after the attack & only gave limited people, limited evidence? (It took only 7 days to create a commision for Pearl Harbor & the Kennedy assianation)
What happened to the 2.3 Trillian dollars missing shortly after 9/11?
hmm, i heard that the stock market crashing was going to make a load of cash for the terrorists some where markop2003
is that susposed to be funny?
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"]I concur This thread FAILS[QUOTE="BirdofP"][QUOTE="BEAN_LARD_MULCH"]BORING. I came in here under the impression of a big wall of text and I get about 5 lines :xBirdofP
Why does it fail?
By being a crappy thread with a crappy title about a crappy topic.a crappy topic? :|
I believe in that was an inside job of American Government to unleash a war in Iraq.
Coming out of the words of Rumsfeld: We cannot track 2.3 Trillian Dollars of transactions.
Thats enough to pay off 10,000: 230 Million dollars each.
Is that how you spell trillion or is it how rumsfeld spells trillion?
[QUOTE="hoop_hard"]Coming out of the words of Rumsfeld: We cannot track 2.3 Trillian Dollars of transactions.
Thats enough to pay off 10,000: 230 Million dollars each.
Is that how you spell trillion or is it how rumsfeld spells trillion?
[QUOTE="catfishmoon23"][QUOTE="hoop_hard"]Coming out of the words of Rumsfeld: We cannot track 2.3 Trillian Dollars of transactions.
Thats enough to pay off 10,000: 230 Million dollars each.
Is that how you spell trillion or is it how rumsfeld spells trillion?
lol, trillian. I figured that's why it was in bold face. oh well, if it's a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy. nothing we can do about it now.
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