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How do you explain the thermite burning on the structures right before the collaspe?
What thermite are you ven talking about? And.. how would they even get the thermite in there without any of the security notcing or even getting the thermite past the K9 units? Why would they even need thermite? The buildings were already weak from having a big plane smashing into them at 500mph, and the jet fuel burning hot enough to weaken the steel by more than 50%, and the planes had already weakened the internal structure of the building. Thermite wasn't necessary. Why go through the trouble of sneaking it into a building full of tens of thousands of people and hiding it from said people when IT'S NOT NEEDED?
How do you explain the families saying they still dont know how their loved ones died?
I haven't herd of too many families saying that they believe the goverment was involved in the attacks, and the ones that do say that are obviously watching the same junk you are without actually questioning it.
How do you explain Bush fumbling about anything said about 9/11?
Bush will fumble anything you throw at him.
Why did Bush say that he wasnt concerned about finding Osama Bin Laden, just 6 Months after the attack?
**** knows? Let us see the entire speech.
Why did Bush lie about what he was doing on 9/11?
Ummm?? I thought we we all clear on this.. He was in a classroom, reading a book, trying to gather his thoughts on what to do.
Why did Bush create a Commission for 9/11 411 days after the attack & only gave limited people, limited evidence? (It took only 7 days to create a commision for Pearl Harbor & the Kennedy assianation)
The comission was created to investigate thoroughly what happened and why the buildings collapsed. They had access to all of the evidence collected from 9/11 and they used it to create a giant book.
What happened to the 2.3 Trillian dollars missing shortly after 9/11?
Never herd of any 2.3 trillian dollars, but I do know that a lot of money and gold was recovered days after the attack.
The 9/11 conspiracy theory involves the following:
1. Why the government did not take precautions when the department of defense was aware of 21 possible hi-jacks were reported on Sept 11 before the attack. Various sources and intelligence conclude that 21 hi-jacks could take place on that day, yet, nothing was done toprevent oreven investigate this matter.
2. Whythe pentagondidn't respond to the first hi-jackwhen they were ALREADY aware of the hi-jacked plane's status for almost 2 hours. No fighters were deployed. No protocal was commensed.
3. Why the WTC collapsed when jet fuel isn't hot enough to even melt the support material of the WTC. The law of physics makes it impossible for a reenforced skyscraper to collapse just by fire or local damage. NEVER in the history of mankind has a skyscaper collapsed by fire.
4. Why the president appointed the executiveinvestigator135 days after the attack. No historical disaster has ever been delayed for investigation more than a week. Also, the investigator is a close accountant to the president.
5. Why Rumsfeld's statement do not match that of the US government's.
3. Why the WTC collapsed when jet fuel isn't hot enough to even melt the support material of the WTC. The law of physics makes it impossible for a reenforced skyscraper to collapse just by fire or local damage. NEVER in the history of mankind has a skyscaper collapsed by fire.
You don't need to melt steel before it can be weakened. Someone who would know a lot about physics or thermodynamics will tell you that millions and millions of times. It's believed that the steel was already more than 50% weaker by the time WTC collapsed. Not at the melting point, but much weaker. YOU DON'T NEED TO MELT STEEL BEFORE IT CAN BE WEAKENED!
4. Why the president appointed the executiveinvestigator135 days after the attack. No historical disaster has ever been delayed for investigation more than a week. Also, the investigator is a close accountant to the president.
Lol yeah.. Bush did that to calm people like you the **** down. Do you really honestly believe that the goverment did not investigate the matter at all during those days? HONESTLY? :roll:
5. Why Rumsfeld's statement do not match that of the US government's.
What did he say? What doesn't match?
The goverment already said numerous times that they effed up regarding the warnings. That's obviously not happening again.. you can't even take a nail clipper into an airplane anymore.
[QUOTE="sinarilias"]3. Why the WTC collapsed when jet fuel isn't hot enough to even melt the support material of the WTC. The law of physics makes it impossible for a reenforced skyscraper to collapse just by fire or local damage. NEVER in the history of mankind has a skyscaper collapsed by fire.
You don't need to melt steel before it can be weakened. Someone who would know a lot about physics or thermodynamics will tell you that millions and millions of times. It's believed that the steel was already more than 50% weaker by the time WTC collapsed. Not at the melting point, but much weaker. YOU DON'T NEED TO MELT STEEL BEFORE IT CAN BE WEAKENED!
4. Why the president appointed the executiveinvestigator135 days after the attack. No historical disaster has ever been delayed for investigation more than a week. Also, the investigator is a close accountant to the president.
Lol yeah.. Bush did that to calm people like you the **** down. Do you really honestly believe that the goverment did not investigate the matter at all during those days? HONESTLY? :roll:
5. Why Rumsfeld's statement do not match that of the US government's.
What did he say? What doesn't match?
The goverment already said numerous times that they effed up regarding the warnings. That's obviously not happening again.. you can't even take a nail clipper into an airplane anymore.
And since when did I say that I agree with any of these statements? I onlygavea very brief summary of the conspriracy theory. On the contrary, I am MORE convinced that the consrpiracy theory has insufficient evidence that the government intentionally did that.The conspriracy theory is no more than a theory of UFOs, but it's worth noticing. But even UFOs are worth noticing.
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