I think it's equally naive to think that NO ONE who pirated the movie would have otherwise paid for it if free downloads weren't available. Surely SOME money was lost as a result of piracy, though the amount is uncertain.
I actually have no problem with ASSUMING that a download equals a lost sale. That may not be entirely realistic, but there's really no way that you can determine that a person WOULDN'T have bought it otherwise. Treat it as a lost sale, and people can avoid punishment by just not pirating.
Likely some were lost sales, but you cannot say how many. There for I do not find it right to sue someone for "millions of lost sales" when theres millions of downloads. We do not know how many were potential buyers. We do not know if one download=one lost sale, or if 1 million downloads=one lost sale.
And on the other hand, we have owners of intellectual property who ARE wrongly deprived of sales. Should there be absolutely NO way for them to be compensated, simply because an illegal distributor can't be tied to a specific number of dollars lost?
Should the system be set up in such a way that the people making art are basically FORCED to give it away for free simply because they CAN'T be compensated if people decide to "steal" it?
I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly.
If they cannot get a concrete amount of how much is lost, then no, they shouldn't get anything. Too abusable. They could say they lost billions when the estimate is unknown. Should they be compensated? Probably. Should they be able to make up how much they want with no evidence of how much was lost? No.
If my house burnt down, I'd hope my insurance company wouldn't be stupid enough to believe me when I say my 20 year old TV is worth a million dollars.
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