Well, i'm not saying the killings are justifiable, but after the terrible things the British have done to the Irish over the past centuries, I don't think the Irish, or IRA for that matter, are going to just forget everything that's happened. In a way it's similar to how blacks still have anger towards whites due to past acts of slavery.
but at the end of the day the past is the past i don't hate the Germans even tho they killed nearly 2 million British people over the course of 2 World Wars so why should the Irish hate us for something that happened a long time ago .
We havn't forgotten, but we don't hate Britain... just like nobody is going to forget what Germany done, but we still wont hold it against them or hate them..
very well put mate also we must not let what happened today affect the peace in NI the British and Irish governments must work together to bring these killers to justice because the people who were injured and killed weren't just British the guys who were delivering the pizza were Irish citizens so this affects both are countries .
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