im afraid your explanation is empty.. estruction of the 1st world is alot more serious than a single rogue nation "maybe" having nukes but no way of moving them around..
id sooner be scared of an anemy who could blow up my hosue vs a guy who can leave a hole in my yard with a firecraker..
And yet mutually assured destruction led to precisely zero nuclear events.
If you gave one 1 nuclear weapon to someone like Osama Bin Laden how many nuclear events would occur?
Thus, which is more dangerous: The USSR with 1,000 nukes or a suicide bomber with 1 nuke?
As for moving things around...really? You can't imagine how to move a crate from one part of the world to another?
Why would Iran give the nukes away? Having them would keep them safe from an invasion which is exactly what they are scared of.Iran is run by religious extremists, which is bad enough. But far worse is that they employ thousands of religious extremists working for them. As I said in anotherthread, when everyone depends upon religious extremism for their position it gets really difficult to separate the extremists of convenience from the true whack jobs. The realIranian leaders are likely not insane. But rest assured that some of the flock are.
The primary threat from Iran with nuclear weapons is not the official gov't of Iran launching a ballistic missile at the US or an ally.
The primary threat is a true believer Revolutionary Guards commander (or equivalent) transferring a weapon to a non-national organization.
In short, it is extremely dangerous to use the logic of the sane to predict the likely actions of the insane. The same dilemna we face in trying to understand the phenomenon of suicide bombings or crashing planes into towers.
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