Ok, I'll bite - how was it "timely"?
bomb blows up in Mass, Earthquake in Iran. Unless you are familiar with the tons of wild accusations all over the net about HAARP tech and it's ability to change weather and create Earthquakes you might not find it as interesting as I do. It's perfectly understandable thou, much of this C.T. stuff can not be digested instantly. It took me a bit of time and ridiculing the ones I think highly of before actually considering what it was they were trying so hard to get me to see...or research for myself. I could never tell someone what to think or how to go about their lives, I would hope they have the courage and strength to do that for themselves. It's all information that might me wrong or right but I feel it's our obligation to get that truth out no matter where it comes from. Debunk any and everything that can be debunked is the best way to deal with any of the stuff, but ridicule is never really good, especially when it's done to a person looking out for your best interest too. That sought of interaction always reminds me of those movies where everyone dosen't believe the main character in the movie until it's too late. I don't have a prob considering some of the stuff, if i don't believe it, or can't disprove/prove it I move on to something else until I can. I'm not going to try and place my opinion over anyone else...like most people like to do. let time tell the rest of the story...Come on now!!
I'm all for conspiracy theories and all that jazz but you're just asking to get verbally pummeled. If a manmade tremor/earthquake were to be induced by using whatever device you elude to(fracking, HAARP etc), wouldn't they do it to a nation that is currently causing all kinds of trouble? Yes, Iran is a bad guy in the eyes of "patriots" but North Korea is seemingly more out of control since I believe the boy is just doing whatever the elders that were around his father are telling to do.
This earthquake just comes off as a natural event, especially when you consider how volatile the area is when it comes to earthquakes.
C.T.'s are healthy. Imo, the only harm i see in them is if they are true, in that case we should all be more concern.
But, where is this verbal pummeling you speak of? All Im seeing is examples of Veritaphobia. The symptoms are as clear as day. They are probably scared of the accusations and cant really contribute to the discussion so they try to derail it with immaturity and blatant irrelevancy. When you result to throwing insults (and offer nothing beneficial to the subject matter) youre just showcasing how weak your argument against it is and how much fear you have concerning that subject. Soon asinine behavior will follow along with more attempts at derailment. Only agents, people in denial, and people who are unfamiliar with the scary information do these sought of things. This subject is well documented in many of the alternative media outlets, and by former government officials. Its not like Im making this stuff up.
Iran is still on the Radar believe that. The art of deception has and will always be used as long as you have people who are afraid (and lazy) to look into matters for themselves. If I was doing some underhanded things Im not going to let you know about it, Ill just draw your attention elsewhere before I make that move. This quake has the potential to be both natural and manmade, I dont mind probing to find out which is true. It also hurts my heart to hear people say America is run by corrupt people, but at the same time I feel its our right to thoroughly investigate all probabilities, especially when there are deaths of innocent people.
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