Poll Is any part of you evil? (8 votes)
I ask because i believe i am 40% good and 60% evil. But the good that's there is really good, i swear! If you would rather identify with an alignment, that's cool too.
I ask because i believe i am 40% good and 60% evil. But the good that's there is really good, i swear! If you would rather identify with an alignment, that's cool too.
I'd say, 70/30. I'm usually good, and always try my best to help people around me but when people fail me or keep repeating the same mistakes no matter how much I try, then I end up hurting the person as a last resort. As in, either you get it now or we're done.
Not that I'm proud of this side but I don't usually feel remorse about it too. And I don't hold grudges or escalate things further.
Just a few days ago, after a person that works under me kept being grossly incompetent after many tries and different approaches from my side, I had a rough conversation with him. He ended up having an anxiety attack and hasn't come back to work yet. I'm fine with that, he either tries better or he'll be without a job soon. It's his choice, no more handholding.
But situations like this aren't common, fortunately.
I'd say I'm 60/40. I tend to be compassionate to a point but I quickly get tired of people who constantly have issues. I'm visceral with verbiage and actions of those I don't like, but I have to have a legitimate reason why I don't like them. I manage around 24 people, so I have to be a dick a lot of times because, in my experience, most people who get a helping hand don't get back on their feet. They drag you down with their inability to function normally and lean on enablers to compensate for their lack of life skills.
No, not remotely evil, but I'm pragmatic to a pretty extreme degree that could be considered so. You know that example they give in classes where there's like a tribe of people and in order to survive, they have to cull 10% of the tribe? I feel like I could be that guy. I think that might make me a psychopath? 😋
The flip side is, though, I would probably include myself in the cull after picking out people.
"OK, Jack, sorry, but you're 80; time to go. Jill, you're sick as hell all the time and likely to die at any moment, sorry. Frank, you've stolen too many times, you have this coming. OK, how many is that? One more? OK, guess that means it's my turn. Good luck folks!" *jumps off cliff*
But I'm also friendly and very empathetic, and the above example is only that: an example, and therefore not really relevant.
I listen to too much death metal to be evil. You know what they say: metal fans are good people cosplaying as bad people. Pop fans are bad people cosplaying as good people. It's the Chappel Roan folks you need to watch out for, not the Gorgoroth fans.
Everyone has a dark and evil side.
Would you consider dark and evil the same?
I don't know if I would. I agree that everyone has a dark side, not sure if I'd argue that makes them evil.
Indulging in some really rough pornography, for example, might be considered dark but as long as a.) that stuff was produced safely for the actors, and b.) you realize it's fantasy and not for your bedroom, then I don't think it's evil.
Evil would be abusing your significant other because you think you are entitled to enact out your dark desires.
Everyone has a dark and evil side.
Would you consider dark and evil the same?
I don't know if I would. I agree that everyone has a dark side, not sure if I'd argue that makes them evil.
Indulging in some really rough pornography, for example, might be considered dark but as long as a.) that stuff was produced safely for the actors, and b.) you realize it's fantasy and not for your bedroom, then I don't think it's evil.
Evil would be abusing your significant other because you think you are entitled to enact out your dark desires.
Not the same but you can't have one w/o the other.
No, I'm not evil. Evil is not the same as doing something wrong. It's an attempt to deliberately cause harm.
There's a big old chunk of me that's ignorant, and that can be destructive. I'm petty sometimes and maybe even spiteful. Don't like that about myself. It's not a premeditated thing and when it comes to enjoying causing suffering, no.
I don't know how evil that is. I guess 50% of the stuff I do is worse than the better 50%, so I'll go with that.
Its true what you guys say. So id like to change my answer to 55/45. So I'm slightly more evil than good.
Everyone has a good and bad side to them. But I try to leave the things in a better place than I entered them in.
To summarize
On that note, there is this fun app, which takes your Xitter posting history and assigns an alignment to you.
@Maroxad: Well that's a cool alignment app. Unfortunately I have no Xitter account. Does that make me True Neutral?
95/5 in reality. Being evil is counterproductive and general a waste of time.
No, not remotely evil, but I'm pragmatic to a pretty extreme degree that could be considered so. You know that example they give in classes where there's like a tribe of people and in order to survive, they have to cull 10% of the tribe? I feel like I could be that guy. I think that might make me a psychopath? 😋
The flip side is, though, I would probably include myself in the cull after picking out people.
"OK, Jack, sorry, but you're 80; time to go. Jill, you're sick as hell all the time and likely to die at any moment, sorry. Frank, you've stolen too many times, you have this coming. OK, how many is that? One more? OK, guess that means it's my turn. Good luck folks!" *jumps off cliff*
But I'm also friendly and very empathetic, and the above example is only that: an example, and therefore not really relevant.
I listen to too much death metal to be evil. You know what they say: metal fans are good people cosplaying as bad people. Pop fans are bad people cosplaying as good people. It's the Chappel Roan folks you need to watch out for, not the Gorgoroth fans.
I totally get where you are coming from.
Here's a good example between dark, evil as Alonzo from Training Days when he was telling it like it is towards Jake:
Let's ask ourselves this. Is Alonzo dark or evil? This scene can go either way, but Alonzo was being straight up honest as to what he does for a living, he went straight to the point. The only thing he left out is the consequences of your actions. (But that's what the Devil wants to tell you that you did nothing wrong)
When think of evil its that guy with the 3d glasses who hung around Biff because he himself didn't want bullied.
To be honest I"m not sure I actually believe in evil in the traditional sense. I know there are some terrible people that do some legitimately terrible things, but I don't think there is some malevolent force out there that forces people to do or be evil.
You're just an asshole.
No, I'm not evil. Evil is not the same as doing something wrong. It's an attempt to deliberately cause harm.
I think this is an important point.
I've done wrong, but rarely with actual malice. And on the one or two instances I can think of, I didn't feel great about it and it was a real lesson for me. Those were also very "heat of the moment" actions.
I genuinely believe that people are born neutral, and that "evil" is a learned behavior and/or some disability.
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