@Gum_Bercules said:
@mattykovax said:
@thegerg said:
The friendzone doesn't exist.
Only for internet white knight nice guys..
I've seen guys screw up their chances with girls by being too nice. Basically it makes you their girlfriend, and once you are there it's difficult to make them see you differently. The best way is by being a damn man. That doesn't mean be a dick, just be aggressive towards what you want, and when you start hitting on other girls when she is around it will make her think, "Why didn't he do that to me?"
But that's the thing, They did it to themselves by not exhibiting behavior that attracts women, not verbalizing their intentions, and in the end blaming the girl for not wanting to suddenly sex them up because they owe them, so obviously they got friend zoned and shes a bitch and nice guys finish last.
Or they put themselves in this position and I stand by saying the friendzone only exists in their head. As for being nice, I am pretty nice, people love me and I get more girls picking me up than me picking them up based on my attitude and niceness. So that does not fly. The difference is I am nobodys doormat, I have my own opinion and make my own decisions and not just become a girls sock puppet/yes man.
Most "nice/guys" are not nice, they are passive aggressive whiny little shits that do not seem to get spending all your time with a girl at her beck and call while she is in a relationship being her sounding board does not guarantee you anything when they are finally single and they are turning themselves into "girlfriend with a penis" not their target. And yes I use the word target because it never seems they really see these women as unique individuals but as a prize to be won by sitting in a corner and pining.
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