Its not the smartest thing to major in, but if you have the money and the diligence and the contacts, you could always go the Insomniac route, make your own company and hope for the best. Its a long shot though.
Plus game design is HARD. Lots of work involved, people like Ed Boon don't even have enough time to finish a Grand Theft Auto game, and in the later stages of development you get to have 80+ hour work weeks for making the game finished.
Personally I was interested in game design, but I decided I'd become an English major with a minor in Business. This way I can play ALL the games and write about them for some magazine or website, or I could strike it rich as a businessman and found my own company to make games. Eh, its wishful thinking.
Good point. I don't know. Since I mostly Major in Art. What career do you believe would be good for that? [ question goes to anyone ]Well that can be applied to game design, as well as other fields and jobs, so you could still be heavily involved in game creation and design, though I'd say that's a career for someone willing to suffer for their work.
What about me? I seem to do better in writing, what can I do if things don't go my way?
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