I read this article over the weekend about some Churches allowing Muslims to hold Islamic prayer services in their Churches.
Article: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/02/18/churches-open-doors-muslim-worship/
What are your thoughts on this? Since it is not my parish, not even my same denomination, I basically have the same stance as I did on an earlier post about same-sex marriages in churches. That is, if that particular church is fine with it, then it doesn't bother me because, simply put, it doesn't affect me and really is none of my concern. Same thing here.
That being said, if it were my parish, I'd be looking for a new one to join. I'm sure someone will call me Islamophobic, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to me that isn't the problem I have. My concern (IF it were my church) is that I have my own struggles with my faith. So many questions about my own religion that I wrestle with. So, I put a lot of faith in the clergy, trusting their years of study to at least help guide me to ask better questions. Specifically with a lot of theChristian traditions (particulary thosestarted under Constantine). Soafter preaching "heaven through Jesus," I don't know how I'd feel if the church I belonged to invited people to pray to allah. I think I'd feel...... "Whats the point of attending church at all? If anyone can come in and pray to whomever. If every religion is the same, then none of them are worth anything."
Although I certainly don't condone telling people of other faiths what they should or shouldn't believe, I can't help but think that there is something blasphemous (for lack of a better word) about have people come in and pray to anyone other than Jesus IN THE CHURCH.
A few other questions I had that weren't addressed in the article. Are there NO OTHER facilites for the Muslims to utilize? (A nondenominational recreation center? Something like that?). Also, I'm curious to know what the actual Muslim services will look like? Will the cross be covered withdrapery? Will all references to Mary be covered?
Again, it's not my church or parish or denomination, so if they want to do this, it's completely up to them. Anyone have any thoughts?
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