if he knows me for who I am, then why would I need to accept jesus? believing in something that can be proven untrue sends me to hell?(not that I believe in hell, just for arguments sake). how is an omnipotent being able to justify sending people to the worst place in the universe....... yet still be a good omnipotent being at the same time? his omnipotence actually is what makes it hard to believe, he can't be good.........and bad at the same time. they contradict each other. the bible is the worst book ever written, it was written by men who felt compelled to make people feel moral while supporting an organization which has caused more deaths than the holocaust. christianity is the epitome of irony.
I am not trying to convert. I am just arguing my point of view.
You need to accept Jesus so that He can cleanse you of your sins. God is pure, and one cannot be one with Him without being cleansed. So you must go through Jesus to being cleansed of your sins. God is more than just a loving God. He must pass judgement on your sins if they are not forgiven. That goes back to you not being able to be one with God while your 'unclean' with sin. Why this is I am not sure, but it does tend to make sense. You can put down Chritianity all you want. You can claim that it is the epitome of irony, but that does not make it true. You should not pass your own judgement on a religion through the acts of men and women who carry the cross on Earth. No one is perfect with the exception of Christ ( if you believe in Christianity). I don't know what to tell you except that it sounds like you are fighting with yourself inside over this ideal, and no one, but yourself, will be able to change your perception of Christianity. Though many horrible things have been done by men carrying the cross, that's not to say that many wonderful things have also been done by men carrying the cross. If Satan truly wanted to ruin men and women on Earth in the sake of fighting against God then wouldn't it make sense that Satan would find His way into the church in order to ruin Christianity at it's foundation? The Church and the Bible are two of the main foundations for Christianity on Earth, and that is why Satan would need to destroy the reputation of both to help sway people from accepting them as truth. I have read the Bible. Have you? I'm not saying that I am better than you because I have read it, but at least I gave it a chance before passing judgement on it.
Interesting question! Yes I have read the bible, as well as the works of C.S. Lewis. I have also studied many religions as well as read many books on the topic. What were we talking about again? Oh right, the bible is full of contradictions. And their is no logical way to get into heaven, because you can't ever meet gods standards. This goes back to my question which no one answered, how much faith does it take to get into heaven? Whose to say the person acting good but doesnt read the bible goes to hell, while the person who murders gets into heaven. What percentage of belief do these people have?
Maybe that's why God sent His Son to Earth to cleanse us of our sins. Godmay realize that we are full of sin, and that would be why their is no logical way to get into heaven.
I don't believe there is an amount of faith needed to get into heaven. Either you have faith or you don't. It's not a percentage that you must meet to be allowed in through the pearly gates. Also, I don't think that one must read the Bible to get into Heaven. I sometimes find work and my faith comparable. At work you are judged according to how much you know, and then how well you use the knowledge you've learnt. So a new worker at a place of employement may only be expected to do so much, but after a few years your work load may increase quite a bit. Then your boss will expect you to do much more. Well, with God the more knowledge you obtain the more He may expect you to act in certain ways. If your a pastor for a church wouldn't God expect you to do much more for the Christian way of life compared to a new follower of the faith who knows very little. So when we are judged I would like to believe that God will know what it is that you've learnt through your life, and then how well did you use your knowledge to help better yourself and those around you.
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