I've been thinking a lot about this lately and I wanted to see what you guys think. Is love a true emotion or is it just an evolutionary trait that bonds two people together in order to successfully produce offspring. I'd say it's both. but just because something is an evolutionary trait doesnt mean that it isnt meaningful.
For instance, if you truly loved someone do you think you could go through out your entire life without having sex with them because love is forever? well that depends on why youre not having sex. if she says she doesnt ever want to have sex, that simply means that she doesnt love you in a complete way. sex is part of a healthy, loving relationship.
Or eventually do you think you would lose your attraction to them because of the primitive need to produce offspring. If you truly love someone, not having sex with them doesnt suddenly make them unlovable..but I imagine that one of them would become upset if after say 5 years of marriage, they have yet to have sex.
I mean after all isn't love just chemicals formed in your brain? as is anything that happens in your body. how else would you feel it?
I guess this leads to another question whether or not you believe love is a result of sex or sex is the result of love. when has love EVER been considered a result of sex? you dont have sex with a complete stranger and then become in love with them. and many people wait to have sex untill they are in love with their partner, so love obviously cant be a result of sex.. And obviously i'm talking about love between two parents and not between siblings etc.
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