Does the Bible truly teach that Humans who have failed to redeem themselves will burn in eternal hellfire? Let's see.
The Spirit and The Soul
(2) And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.Genesis 2
Notice that this verse says that the man BECAME a living soul. Hence, Humans ARE living souls; they don't have living souls. I repeat, Humans don't have souls; Humans ARE souls. There's a huge difference; this isn't a mere semantic argument. Also notice that it says that God breathed into his nostrils "the breath of life". What is this breath of life that caused the inanimate body of Adam to become a living being? Let us see in the following bullet point.(26) For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.James 2
Notice that this verse says that without the spirit, the body is dead (just as Adam's body was dead before God breathed into its nostrils "the breath of life"). The conclusion is that the breath of life is SPIRIT.- Hence, we get the following: A physical body POWERED by SPIRIT is a SOUL. The spirit is like a battery, and the soul (the person/ the being) is the device being powered by it.
What Happens to The Spirit and The Soul Upon Death?
- (In regard to Humans upon death)
(4) His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.psalm 146
We have already established that the "breath" is spirit. Hence, when this verse says that "His breath goeth forth", it is referring to the spirit. Notice that it also says that HEreturns to the Earth. In other words, the person returns to the Earth (i.e. the person stops existing). This is further supported by the final clause of the verse, which says "in that very day HIS THOUGHTS PERISH." We haven't gotten to the part about eternal hellfire yet, but keep in mind that if someone is to burn in hell forever, their thoughts would not perish (i.e their consciousness would not end [How else would they suffer?]). - (In regard to Humans upon death)
(7) Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.Ecclesiastes 12
The meaning of this verse is very obvious. The spirit (i.e. the force which powers the body, thus keeping it alive) returns to God. - Thus far we have come to understand that Humans don't have souls but are souls, spirit powers the body to keep it living (i.e. to make it into a soul [ a living being]), and that upon death consciousness ceases.
What is Hell?
(14) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second deathRevelation 20
Notice that it says that death and HELL were cast into the lake of fire. If Hell is a place where people are burned eternally, then how can it itself be thrown into fire? That makes no sense. Hence, this verse is figurative. So we must ask our selves the following: What happens to something when its thrown into fire? Answer: It's destroyed! Hence, what this verse is saying is that death (i.e. the phenomenon by which people cease to exist, will come to an end). Let's look at the following verse as well.(15) "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."Revelations 20
Just as death is destroyed, so will those who have failed to be redeemed. Hence, no one will suffer in eternal hellfire, they'll simply be destroyed (i.e. put into a permanent state of non-existence).- Those who have redeemed themselves will be resurrected upon the day of judgement (i.e. God will bring them back into a state of existence by reforming their bodies from the Earth and putting spirit back into those bodies, thus brining them back to life), and allowed to remain alive FOREVER.
- God is not sadistic. He is fair.
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