The way I see the whole Israel and Palestine conflict is this.
The Good guys: Jews that support Israel and Non Jews that support Israel
The Bad guys: Self hating Jews agaisnt Israel and Anti Semites against Isarel
I don't support everything Israel does mind you, I don't think they should block Aid ships and I think that the Jews should stop trying to settle on outside Israel territory as that is against Isarel's rules. But the Isralis and Zionists brought freedom and democracy to the region, if it was still under Palestine control women would be second class citizens there and be abused and there wouldbe no freedom of religon (or lack thereof, many Jews in Israel are Secular and not religious) no democracy or any thing like that. Israel is better with the Jews there now, if Palestinians get there way they will kill all the Jews and drive them into the sea. The IDF (Israel Defense Force) is simply defending it'self from the bullys who are trying to kill them, it's just self defense.
That's weird, I come from a large Palestinian family and none of the women are looked down on, abused, or thought to be second. They're all Christian and religious and not some hateful people who kill children and cause genocide (the Jews). The women are allowed to wear jeans or whatever else they like, and they originally came from Palestine. How would you like if you grew up in a country, and then the military came in and kicked everyone out? Because that's what happened to my family in the 50's because the Jews came in and wanted the land. You don't know anything about Palestinians. Anti Semitic Lies, the palestinans didn't have freedom of religion or womens rights until the Israelis brought freedom. Women are safer and happier with the Jews running Palestine now, if the Palestinians still ran the region they would still be chpping off women's heads because they didn't cover thier face fully or drove a car.
And when did the Arabs EVER experince a genocide? That's right NEVER! Unless you mean Arab women, which in that case yeah it happens all the time, but thankfully the Jews and Non Jews that support Israel (the Good Guys) put a stop to that. The Jews have suffered so many Genocides and opressions thoughout history that your statement is wrong.
Supporting Israel is supporting freedom and democracy. And the IDF is just practicing self defense, I know becauseI'm friends with them on Facebook.
you're easily the most ignorant person on this subject I've ever seen. Palestine =/= Saudia.
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