Ive studied homosexuality quite a lot.
Alright stay with me, this is going to get complex. But Ill keep it kinda dumbed down since not everyones not on my level of thinking...
Ok. Say that a homosexual man is "attracted" to another man. He is most likely confused between finding that person attractive and finding the person interesting. Of course, its natural to know if a person of the same sex is good looking or not. But does it have to be taken to the next step? This is the course of a regular opposite sex relationship, guy likes girl, girl likes guy. They date, they soon get married. They have kids. Humanity continues. In a homosexual relations, guy "likes" guy, they date, they get married? And...what about kids? Thats one of the main reasons homosexuality is flawed, you cant have kids! Homosexuals look at mother nature right in the eye and say, no, I am not going to go with the natural course of things, and have a same sex mate.
Why must it be taken to the next step? Why can't "homosexuals" just be good friends with the ones they are "attracted" to? Ive seen women that are disgusted in men because the women claim they are only interested in other women. How is that possible? How do they know there is not a possible male soul mate out there? That in a way is stereotyping, all males! Absurd!
A couple more things and Im done. Yeah its kinda a long read I know.
I would like to conduct an experiment with a homosexual man in a room, and have a curvy naked woman walk in, and see if he is brought to attention if ya know what I mean. I am 100% sure he will be aroused. And every other homosexual man as well.
Well, this is all for now. I hope I dont get in trouble at Gamespot, for simply sharing my thoughts. I just find homosexuality intriguing in a way.
But anyways, discuss and try to counter my points.
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