Christ, why are people getting upset that someone voiced their opinion on something they were asked? What the hell do people think they do when they post here?
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Christ, why are people getting upset that someone voiced their opinion on something they were asked? What the hell do people think they do when they post here?
There is nothing to clap about. It isn't about what Jennifer Lawrence said or didn't said, we all agree she has the right to said it. It is about you making an empty thread about it.
@MrGeezer: yeah, it's odd that people seem so upset by celebrities saying stuff.
I don't think anyone is upset that celebrities have opinions. It's the attention said opinions get as though they are somehow important.....and in regard to how some people form their own opinions based on the fact that they like said celebrity and have no clue about whatever topic was discussed.
@MrGeezer: yeah, it's odd that people seem so upset by celebrities saying stuff.
I don't think anyone is upset that celebrities have opinions. It's the attention said opinions get as though they are somehow important.....and in regard to how some people form their own opinions based on the fact that they like said celebrity and have no clue about whatever topic was discussed.
Odd? An intelligent human being would question why such an obscure question and subsequent answer should receive attention. As I said earlier, she plays make believe and I would think any journalist with an ounce of integrity would focus on what this chick does rather than topics above her head. Like the answer in the quoted comment, people get annoyed because we have the media acting as if the words and opinions of celebs are somehow important when in reality I and many others wouldn't waste a drop of warm piss on them. The question asked in said interview is expected since people have their heads lodged so far up the ass of your average celeb to the point where they'd fall on the sword for them. How many times do I turn on the satellite to surf the channels and so many programs focus on the lives of celebrities and it makes me sit in disbelief that people care so much.
@MrGeezer: yeah, it's odd that people seem so upset by celebrities saying stuff.
I don't think anyone is upset that celebrities have opinions. It's the attention said opinions get as though they are somehow important.....and in regard to how some people form their own opinions based on the fact that they like said celebrity and have no clue about whatever topic was discussed.
Odd? An intelligent human being would question why such an obscure question and subsequent answer should receive attention. As I said earlier, she plays make believe and I would think any journalist with an ounce of integrity would focus on what this chick does rather than topics above her head. Like the answer in the quoted comment, people get annoyed because we have the media acting as if the words and opinions of celebs are somehow important when in reality I and many others wouldn't waste a drop of warm piss on them. The question asked in said interview is expected since people have their heads lodged so far up the ass of your average celeb to the point where they'd fall on the sword for them. How many times do I turn on the satellite to surf the channels and so many programs focus on the lives of celebrities and it makes me sit in disbelief that people care so much.
Well, that's not her fault. Sure, it's dumb for people to care more about that viewpoint just because it comes from the mouth of someone rich and famous, but she's not forcing them to treat her opinion any differently. I have no problem with the notion that it's stupid for non-celebrities to care that much about what celebrities think. I just have a problem with the way that that some people act as if the celebrity is doing something wrong for speaking their opinion.
@MrGeezer: yeah, it's odd that people seem so upset by celebrities saying stuff.
I don't think anyone is upset that celebrities have opinions. It's the attention said opinions get as though they are somehow important.....and in regard to how some people form their own opinions based on the fact that they like said celebrity and have no clue about whatever topic was discussed.
Kinda what I was getting ready to type. Glad I checked the second page so I wasn't echoing what someone else was saying.
Odd? An intelligent human being would question why such an obscure question and subsequent answer should receive attention. As I said earlier, she plays make believe and I would think any journalist with an ounce of integrity would focus on what this chick does rather than topics above her head. Like the answer in the quoted comment, people get annoyed because we have the media acting as if the words and opinions of celebs are somehow important when in reality I and many others wouldn't waste a drop of warm piss on them. The question asked in said interview is expected since people have their heads lodged so far up the ass of your average celeb to the point where they'd fall on the sword for them. How many times do I turn on the satellite to surf the channels and so many programs focus on the lives of celebrities and it makes me sit in disbelief that people care so much.
Well, that's not her fault. Sure, it's dumb for people to care more about that viewpoint just because it comes from the mouth of someone rich and famous, but she's not forcing them to treat her opinion any differently. I have no problem with the notion that it's stupid for non-celebrities to care that much about what celebrities think. I just have a problem with the way that that some people act as if the celebrity is doing something wrong for speaking their opinion.
I don't know how many times we need to repeat this, but no one in this topic has a problem with a celebrity having an opinion on any subject. I find the constant repetition of the claim to be sophistic.
Well, that's not her fault. Sure, it's dumb for people to care more about that viewpoint just because it comes from the mouth of someone rich and famous, but she's not forcing them to treat her opinion any differently. I have no problem with the notion that it's stupid for non-celebrities to care that much about what celebrities think. I just have a problem with the way that that some people act as if the celebrity is doing something wrong for speaking their opinion.
She controls the interview, right? Couldn't she keep it on a relevant path? Just like most celebrities who believe their words/opinions take the pinnacle in terms of importance, I'm betting she feels the same way. As you can see, with the exception a a slight few, most of us don't care what she says or if she says anything on any topic.
Lets say a gaming magazine was interviewing Miyamoto about his area of expertise. Would there be any reason to ask him (on the record) about some obscure b.s. having absolutely nothing to do with gaming or his profession?
Being embarrased because hicks exist sounds like a lot to have on your plate. How will she ever find the time to portray a block of wood in all the movies she is in?
I don't know how many times we need to repeat this, but no one in this topic has a problem with a celebrity having an opinion on any subject. I find the constant repetition of the claim to be sophistic.
"He's not giving an interview to a widely publicized magazine though. For whatever reason these celebs act as if their opinions and comments take precedent over others. If not, why in the hell would this broad be talking about such a topic during some nonsensical interview?"
Sounds like she should just stick to talking about acting, and let the real people talk about important stuff.
She controls the interview, right? Couldn't she keep it on a relevant path? Just like most celebrities who believe their words/opinions take the pinnacle in terms of importance, I'm betting she feels the same way. As you can see, with the exception a a slight few, most of us don't care what she says or if she says anything on any topic.
Lets say a gaming magazine was interviewing Miyamoto about his area of expertise. Would there be any reason to ask him (on the record) about some obscure b.s. having absolutely nothing to do with gaming or his profession?
How in the hell is she obligated to keep the interview in a direction that you feel relevant? If she's asked a question about something that she feels strongly about, why should she refuse to answer it just because you don't care what she thinks about it? Also, I doubt that the issue is whether or not it's "relevant". Celebrities get asked irrelevant stuff all the time, like what they did on vacation or what kind of dog they have. Somehow I doubt that we'd be talking about this right now if the comment had been about something like her favorite flavor of ice cream.
In any case, the sentiment I'm getting here most definitely is that she should shut up and stop talking about such things. Not because her opinion is wrong, but because she's just a celebrity and therefore has no business expressing her opinion at all.
@jimkabrhel: @TheHighWind: Pope Francis doesn't mind Kim Davis. He was nice enough and broad-minded enough to meet with her instead judging and condemning and insulting her, and pretending to know what's going through her mind and making ad hominem attacks against her. "Jlaw" might not like that, but oh well, I guess her and Francis don't see eye to eye on that (and probably not on "women's basic rights" either). I once had a dream that Pope Francis and Jennifer Lawrence were on a rollercoaster in together in Rome.
"how many stars have we seen that go out and fall. On the other hand, being servant of the servants of God is something that doesn't pass".
He didn't meet with her...
Regardless of the opinion held, I do not give any consideration to "celebs" and any opinion they hold. I find it alarming how many people do though.
Agreed! I like certain celebs for their entertainment value but their personal opinions are of no concern to me. At the end of the day, they are HUMAN just like everyone else. But just as you have said, it's kinda scary how some people put them on pedestal.
Actually celebrities are some kind of icons for their fans so this opinion is really for me, i think Jennifer is right
Society should move further and celebs are on the front of its movement
despite this, their opinions cost money, cuz every interview is paid)) of course she has lots of money (i've read that her net worth is $52 million!!) but also she's talented actress (extremely) so people listen to all her thoughts
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