Yeah, there it is. That's what I meant. When they win games you give Sanchez the credit and when they lose it's all on the team. Whatever.Ive already said hes done terrible his first year the D carried the team, so no. You make it sounds as if I give MS credit for every victory the JETS had in 2 years. You do. You give him credit for their whole season. That's why you keep asserting his playoff record as if that's supposed to merit his skills. That's why anyone would even mention it. You directly associate the record with one player instead of the entire team.[QUOTE="frostybanana"][QUOTE="Fuhgeddabouditt"] that guy is Mark Sanchez and you will see that in his 3rd year. And the funny that is that he wasnt the cause of the JETS 2nd consecutive AFCC game lost, it was the DEFENSE. Fuhgeddabouditt
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