And I must say... it was GREAT ... until you start asking questions. Now don't get me wrong, I was super excited for this. I thought it was well done. The casting was TOP NOTCH. The actors were great portraying their roles. I really liked Zachery Quinto as Spock and I personally thought Simon Pegg was great as Scotty and I could have used more John Cho on screen as Zulu. Each character has their own little thing you'll recognize as "them".
Visually stunning of course -- practically hiring a small country to work on the graphics.
Now the thing is, JJ Abrams cheated. And you will get what I mean by that if you've seen this movie or when you go see it (The concept has already been mentioned in other threads but I would like to keep it as general as possible in this first post). I still can't decide whether I hate him or I gotta give him props for what he just did to the series and its continuity. Not going to lie, I am pretty excited to see the chaos that will ensue with this. Me and my friend disected it and could see the arguments of how this fits into the continuity (because it does) but then -- its JJ Abrams' Star Trek and he can pretty much do whatever he wants with it now.
That statement should sum it up. JJ Abrams cheated, this is his Star Trek, and you could either love him or hate him for it. I think, you'll appreciate the movie a lot more if you come to terms with what JJ Abrams did (CHEAT!), or if you have no prior Star Trek experience.
Thoughts? Concerns? Anyone else seen it? I would love to talk about it more :D
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