I was talking earlier with an old school friend and he informed me that a friend of mine i went to primary school with (im from the uk, primary school ages from 5-11) had died. I was shocked to say the least. He then told me it had happened almost 2 years ago which literally took my breath away, how could i have been unaware of this happening?
He then told me he commited suicide. This makes me very sad as he always seemed like such a happy person. To this day no1 knows why he killed himself, everything was fine one day and then the next he was found dead in his bedroom.
I then begin to think of when he done this. 2 years ago. I compare how he was to how i was 2 years ago, happy. The happiest i had ever been. I was in love, my college course was going great, everything was working, then there was my friend, who at that exact moment was secretly suicidal. I just wish I had known, I could have helped. I would have tried.
My thoughts go to his family.
Has anyone else had something like this happen in their lifes?
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