I say the government set this up. The US blasted the buildings to make a controversy to start a war in the Middle East.Cyrax-SektorTo what ****ing end?
Name one ****ing thing we have gained from the war. One ****ing thing. We're in a ****ing depression, the entire ****ing world hates our asses, we broke what little peace Iraq actually had by dividing them into three districts, we haven't found Osama, everybody within our own country hated Bush's ass and the whole of Congress, and what have we gained? Why did we go to war? For oil we could have bought with no problem? Why are we not at war with Saudi Arabia then?
Seriously, I beg you, use some logic. You're saying the government did it to start a war that costs us trillions upon trillions of dollars a year (if we were to compile the money we have spent on this war, we could buy every country in the United Nations), and for ****ing what?
There is no government conspiracy. Pissed-off people from the Middle East got together and committed a violent act of terrorism, and then the government acted incompetently in response. That's it.
This crap about one guy hearing a missile is bull. Thousands of people say planes and terrorists, one nutjob says bombs, oh, it's obviously bombs. Nobody ****ing found any goddamn bombs or missile shrapnel in the Pentagon or the WTC; we sure as black hell have plenty of plane wreckage though!
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