[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="slinky6"]"Proof?Also, the burden of proof is on you since you made the claim ;)"
Extarordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Saying God doesn't exist is not an extraordinary claim, it's a default position. It's like saying (to recycle my other example) 3 inch long invisible hippos don't exist. No one would argue with me.
Actually by the rules of Occom's Razor (spelling)its more logical to suggest that the Universe is eternal and always was here, instead of a creator which created it all. Having a creator only adds more questions and falls in the still pit fall of logic that everything must have a creator to exist.
but the universe is not eternal. einsteins theory of general relativity proved that this is wrongHmm Science has evolved since Einstein. the Universe "we live in" had a beginning, caused by a Big Bang. Doesn't mean that there aren't other Universes. If you look around on the internet (just type before big bang in google) there are theories suggesting 2 parallel Universes clashing to create the Big Bang, or every Black Hole creating a Universe inside it (process of evolution in Universe making),etc.
As an agnostic atheist (or weak atheist w/e you call it) I'd say those are ridiculous claims. But before saying the Earth was not the center of the Universe was also a ridiculous claim, and saying the Earth was round was also a ridiculous claim.
But none of it is as ridiculous as saying God exists. If God is infinite and has no creator, the Universe could also be infinite and have no creator.
If God exists He doesn't care about us, duh.
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