I've cleaned up this quote mess. It's not at all clear who you're trying to address, since you copied and pasted the same text twice but wrote different responses to it. It seemed at first that it was all intended for Jon, especially since you refer to me in the third person in both blocks, but you later say this isn't the case. So I'll just chalk this up to a lack of command of the language and respond to all of it, whether or not it was intended for me.
Does this make you happy? no, then you are a slave who worked their entire life to acheive something that you yourself would admit is not worthwhile. I would rather be a Bill Gates (Note, i still care about Education, but i care more about putting knowledge into Practical Use, instead of smearing it into peoples faces, like Pianist does.
As I noted in a previous reply, it DOES make me happy to be a musician and a teacher. There's nothing I'd rather do, and so I certainly don't 'admit it is not worthwhile.' As for putting education into practical use, what do you think a degree is for? Whether you're a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer, a doctor, a musician, or any other trained professional, you are putting your education into practical use, which serves society and you at the same time. If a person does NOT put his or her knowledge into practical use, no one will pay for it, and it will thus be useless to the person.
That's debatable. you work your entire life, for something you yourself would call not worth it. If you want to be a leach, begging at peoples feet in order to become on top, go ahead. just remember that you begged like a dog once. and you still are one. Call me crazy, but i like to put education and Knowledge into real practical use, instead of trying to Smear my Masters degree, which means nothing more than "Leacher".
Again, I would call it 'worth it.' And I'm also not trying to 'get to the top;' I'm simply striving to be the best musician and teacher I can be. I do not compete with my co-workers, nor do I covet anyone's management position. Frankly, I prefer teaching to management anyway. You're making a lot of assumptions, and not surprisingly, most of them aren't hitting the mark.
You aren't crazy to have a desire to put your knowledge to practical use. You're just crazy to assume that you CAN put knowledge to practical use without education on the matter. Sorry, but nothing you've written here suggests that you're an Albert Einstein or Bill Gates. The VAST majority of people who find systemized education useless and drop out are actually just lazy kids who don't like the idea of work. And they tend to accomplish very little with their lives, nor are they especially happy in the end. As a musician and teacher, I bring people enjoyment in the form of music. I've written more than 1000 pages of music and have had many of these works performed. I've performed in public countless times. And I've helped a lot of people learn to enjoy music themselves through my teaching, along with helping my fellow teachers become better teachers through workshops I've conducted. So tell me again... how is this not putting knowledge into practical use?
And finally, your resentment of higher education is totally misguided. Simply put, most of the progress and accomplishments of our society are the result of the work of people with higher education. There are the occasional geniuses who do not have need of public education, but they are a VERY small minority. Arguing that a Master's degree automatically makes you a 'leech' is a position you are arguing from ignorance, since clearly you have no concept whatsoever of what is done by people with Master's degrees, and how important their work is to human progress.
I would create something with my Knowledge. somewhere along the lines of Society, we lost our way, and became an elitest organization of complete idiots like pianist. With no real Accomplishments. you are no better than a monkey. While you write papers, which have, and will be written in the past and present, better or worse.
Not if you don't learn how. Brahms once wrote of composition "without craftmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind." And he's right. You can have all the wonderful ideas you like, but if you don't know what to do to bring them to fruition, they are nothing. Given what I've read from you here, I have no reason to believe you're going to create anything, because although you may generate ideas, you lack the discipline to acquire the education you'll need to put them into practice. But again, it's not too late for you to realize that your education is in YOUR best interests. As for accomplishments... that's been addressed. I affect peoples' lives in a positive way with my education, and others who have post-secondary education affect peoples' lives in a positive way and contribute to human progress. That's accomplishment. Day-dreaming and watching TV isn't an accomplishment.
If you can find a monkey who can teach piano or play the Strauss Burleske, by all means post a Youtube link (there WOULD be one for something so extraordinary). If not... then I think your monkey remark may be on shaky ground. :lol:I have no idea what you're trying to say with your last sentence. It's a sentence fragment that seems to connect somehow to the start of your next paragraph. That's not good writing, dude.
I will create something that actually helps people. You think you have knowledge? no you have a piece of paper with some words on it. It's you who needs to grow out of your shell, and realise you can do something, no matter what people say. You have ruined your life this far. I hope you change your views of the world to realise it's much more fluid than you think it is. and that things run deeper than what people think of you.
The piece of paper with words on it is a symbol of many years of education. So yes, I think I have knowledge, because if I didn't have knowledge, I would not be able to play piano better than you, write music better than you, or teach better than you. In short, there would be nothing at all separating us, and that is clearly not the case. It's nice that you want to help people - but I'm already helping people, you're not. And if you continue to pass off education as unnecessary, in all likelihood you're never going to help anyone in a significant way, because you won't have the necessary skills or knowledge to do that.
I haven't ruined my life thus far. Many people would envy the situation I'm in - doing something I love for a living and doing it well. You're at risk of ruining your life. But like I said, it's certainly not too late for you to re-evaluate this anti-education attitude. Do that, and maybe you will accomplish something wonderful with your life. And I'd be rooting for you.
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