I know everyone heard the crazy myths about being left handed. Like left handed people use the left side of the brain(logicside,right side isartistic). There is sum even crazier myths like left handed are more likely of suicide. Hand preference depends on what hand you grow up using. its not implanted in the dna to be left handed or right. So with one semester of psychology under my belt i consider myself a left hand psychologist phd.
Everyone learns how to whipe before writing or anything else requiring one hand. Some kids learn the left is for whipping the right for eating. Other kids overlook this logic and eat whipe with the same hand. so psychology talks about being in 5 stages in childhood one of them being the anal stage where it kind of determines how clean you are later in life. so psychologically speaking left handed people got some sort of dirty fetish maybe even aware about it. It's not the physical action of whipping and eating with the same hand but their underlays a largepsychological effects that leads to the crazy myths of being left handed.
I need a nobel prize for this
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