Can anyone recommend me a good legal music download sight. Napster has done an epic fail and only has half the tracks from the band i'm after. Problem is they are the only ones I have ever used.
Also and very important, it needs to be stuff which I can upload into my mobile, which I use as an ipod with Windows media player.
I seriously hate illegal downloading as it saddens me. ***COMMENT REMOVED BY MODERATOR*** Also i'm not interested in using U-Tube as that's just as bad (except for looking at the music video's) and i'm after full quality.
Any help to quicken my search will be appreciated.
MODERATOR'S NOTE: We appreciate that you have taken great precautions to make sure your topic stays legal, but please don't say that you are going to report people or shove things up their nether-regions ;) That can be construed as trolling.
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