I'm a mish-mash of ideas. I'm probably a Libertarian. I side more with conservatives. But I see contridictions on both sides. I'm fiscially conservative, and somewhat socially liberal. I think we should be as FREE as possible. The market should have less regulation. And social issues should be more open.
For example, I am for gay marriage (although I disagree with it, it is not my position to tell other people who they can and cannot marry), I am for the legalization of marijuana, as long as it is heavily regulated, at least in the beginning. Once again, I'm against the use of marijuana, but you have to ask yourself, who is it harming? If people want to smoke marijuana for personal use in their home or at a smoke shop, then why can't they? I'm against abortion. I don't think any human can decide to terminate another human's life. I don't care about any of this "well, two weeks it's not a human, it's only a human after blah blah". There is no real logical argument for abortion. You are either for it or against it. I'm against the death penalty. Like I said, I don't think any human has the right to take the life of another, regardless of what they have done. I'm for the legalization of prostitution. I mean, who is it harming? If two consenting adults want to have sex, who is the government to say that they cannot pay one another for the service as a mutual agreement? What makes the payment for sex any different from the payment for a massage? Or the payment for an oil change? It is no different, and the law is stupid. I don't agree with prostitution, but who am I to stop two consenting adults?
So I want the market to be as free as possible, and I want social issues to be as free as possible - within reason. But I tend to weigh more heavily on fiscal issues, which is why I generally tend to favor Republicans. I think economic issues are the most important, since it affects the living situation of plenty of people. It's more "real" to me.
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