The ignorance in this post is staggering.. No where do they ever say that the condom is full proof infact the main goal is to prevent sex at young ages with the education to the risks involved... What your car analogy would be more like is that your in your car and putting your seat belt makes you perfectly safe to going high speeds.. No it doesn't, it can save your life but driving reckless or going extreme high speeds doesn't garentee you to be safe even with a seat belt.. A condom is the exact same way.. That if you are willing to go on regardless of the risks, that you should at least practice safe sex to reduce any risk of transfer of STD's or unwanted pregnancies.. Seriously people, the human race isn't some how more sexually active with the introduction of the condom..
I agree. holla, first of all, that car analogy made no sence at all. And you are right about the seat belt thing. Thats what it is. A risk that you take in the safest manner possible.
And like I said before, there was no "good ol' days" back when there were no teen pregnancies and things like that occuring. It was actually more rampant back then.
You both completely missed the point of the analogy. The point was that there is a natural purpose to sex, and that is to reproduce (just as the purpose of a car is to get somewhere). There is one final result to both: children for sex and getting to a destination for a car. It is not for pleasure or to demonstrate love.
Your going to have to prove that, because many would disagree with that, that sex is much more then just procreation..
The illogical part is that you are scared of what will happen if someone gets pregnant,
And I am scared of dashing my head on the sidewalk when I ride a bike, I still ride my bike.
yet you still take part in that same activity that may result
As I said earlier this can pretty much be pointed at any activity out there..
in the same consequences, but you wear a condom instead knowing that it might not work. You are willing to take the risk when you can avoid it altogether. Condoms are meant to prevent pregnancies, and if someone truly wanted to prevent a pregnancy then they will simply not have sex.
.. Thats not true what so ever.. People do activities all the time with littel to no protection full well awareof the risks and they still do it.. And tehse activities don't have raging hormones behind it.
To the bold: They say it reduces the chances of a pregnancy, and it does reduce the chances, bit it should not be given as a "safer"
... Of course it is.. A bicycle helmet makes it safer to ride a bike.. It doesn't destroy any kind of risk though..
alternative because when the risks are so high there is no "safe" alternative.
That is a matter of opinion on what the risks are..
Rather than being taught that condoms prevent pregnancies and STDs X% of the time then hand out condoms, it should be taught that abstinence prevents pregnancies and STDs 100% and condoms prevent it X% of the time,
WOW NO KIDDING GUYS?... You will never be hurt driving a car if you don't drive! Man I am glad you were able to point that out.. If people can't make this connection then they failed basic rationale thought years ago and it won't matter what you teach them.
and leave the teens to decide if they want to take on those risks and responsibilities.
... Why, thats what becoming an adult is all about..
It isn't the responsibility of the school,
.. It most certainly is if they are teaching you to function in society.. And the school can provide a much more indepth unbias education then their parents...
it isn't the responsibility of the state, or the taxpayers, it is the responsibility of the individual to take action and make decisions on what they want and that is why the schools should not hand them out.
They only hand out if they are asked.. The school is doing a public service here..
If you are smart and you don't want to get someone pregnant, then don't have sex.
Guess what people don'tsee it that way, and its condecending to even consider thats what divide the smart from the stupid..
It is about as simple as that.
And it will go unheeded and won't solve the problem what so ever.. Your views lack any real logic based on reality.
Anyone stupid enough to have sex while still not wanting to have children can find a way to do it without the schools getting involved.
.... Apparently not because they are stupid as you stereotyped them.
I'm not arguing against the practical use of a condom, i am arguing against the IDEA of the use of a condom.
What that people will have sex? Hormones are a powerful thing, if people are going to go through it.. Its the responsible thing that they know everything that there is to know to do it as safely and responsbily as possible.. Your entire view is pretty much ignoring reality.
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