So in Libya guys are trying to overthrow their dictator: Mr. Qadafi.
Qadafi is bombing the rebels with his air force and is not caring about hitting civilians. I saw on tv that Britain, France, and the Arab League want a no fly zone imposed on Libya and Interpol has an arrest warrant for Qadafi.
Apparently Libyan rebels want help from: George Bush.
A rebel there was saying:
"Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush.
So I think the Libyans are referring to George Bush Sr. who was placed a no fly zone over Iraq to protect the Kurds and Shiites (not the whey though). George W. Bush later extended the zone in 2002.However, some have accused Obama of not being supportive enough of the pro-democracy forces in Libya, though he was quick to condemn a military "coup" against Honduras' socialist "president for life" even though it was ordered by the Honduran Parliament and Supreme Court in order to stop the president from becoming a dictator after he tried to press an illegal attempt to hold voting on making him "president for life".
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