Im currently trying to get over my ex whom i was with for 2 years.
Broke up a month ago and I am not even slightly over her yet
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Im currently trying to get over my ex whom i was with for 2 years.
Broke up a month ago and I am not even slightly over her yet
I went out with a girl for 3 years.........we broke up a year and a bit ago and im still not over her... Yeah i need a new women lolwalkingdreamReally :| hmm i suddenly feel the need to get over my ex ASAP lol Why did you break up?
About 4 days. Any more than 1 week and it becomes pathetic, unless it's your wife/fiance. Now hear me out; Getting over a girl doesn't mean that you no longer care about her anymore, or that you don't want her back, it just means that you have reached a point where getting her back would be great, but not getting her back is OK. It means that if some other equally handsome woman came up to you, you wouldn't pass on her for the sake of the slightest possibility of getting back with your ex. If there is one thing that is replaceable on this planet, its girlfriends. About 3 billion women out there, I'm sure you can find another :PII_Seraphim_IIGood points, but atm im comparing every girl i meet to my ex
I was saving up to buy an engagement ring once. She broke up with me and the time after was the most difficult time of my life. The last time I cried about it was about 8 months after the fact. After a year and a half, I'm fine now.mindstormOk, that I can understand. I mean you were about to propose and all so you must have thought she was your one and only. That I can understand being hard to get over, but just some girlfriend you have? nah :P
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]I was saving up to buy an engagement ring once. She broke up with me and the time after was the most difficult time of my life. The last time I cried about it was about 8 months after the fact. After a year and a half, I'm fine now.II_Seraphim_IIOk, that I can understand. I mean you were about to propose and all so you must have thought she was your one and only. That I can understand being hard to get over, but just some girlfriend you have? nah :P
How about us that are scared of the M word. (marriage) I've been with my girlfriend for coming up to 7 years and know it would take me time to over it if we split up. 6 months - 1 year.
It all depend on how the relationship ends. If she cheat on you with your best friend then i would find it that i would get over her faster even if it hurt me more. If someone leave you and you thought it was a happy relationship then you may never really get over it as you can always feel something for he but you do have to move on with life and live it.
Ok, that I can understand. I mean you were about to propose and all so you must have thought she was your one and only. That I can understand being hard to get over, but just some girlfriend you have? nah :P[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"][QUOTE="mindstorm"]I was saving up to buy an engagement ring once. She broke up with me and the time after was the most difficult time of my life. The last time I cried about it was about 8 months after the fact. After a year and a half, I'm fine now.campbell1874
How about us that are scared of the M word. (marriage) I've been with my girlfriend for coming up to 7 years and know it would take me time to over it if we split up. 6 months - 1 year.
It all depend on how the relationship ends. If she cheat on you with your best friend then i would find it that i would get over her faster even if it hurt me more. If someone leave you and you thought it was a happy relationship then you may never really get over it as you can always feel something for he but you do have to move on with life and live it.
Well I cant comment on 7 year relationships because the longest I've had was 3 years. But if dump a girl it means I dont want her anymore so there is nothing to get over and if she dumps me it means she doesn't like me anymore so no point sulking. When ever I think about pining and sulking I remember an episode of Smallville where Clark was pining over Lana (as usual) and sitting down in his room throwing a tennis ball at the wall. I just remember how pathetic he looked and how I NEVER want to be like that :x :PA month is nothing. My first major gf of about 3 years took be a solid 4 months. I find what helped me was to change my lifestyle dramatically, and that was going to college. Of course you can comprimise by getting into a new sport or a new job, etc.Im currently trying to get over my ex whom i was with for 2 years.
Broke up a month ago and I am not even slightly over her yet
She cheated on me and we both just decided it was for the best. But what i don't understand is she did it with possible the most ugly smallest little dweeb i have ever known..... While i'm 6,3 not bad looking, do quite a bit of sport and didn't always go out with my mates. Sorry i sound like a cockhead but it really just annoys the hell out of me lolwalkingdreamlol that sucks
Good for you man, from where im standing im yet to see the green grass. What did your ex do to you?I was with a girl for 2 years and it took about 6 months for me to get over her completely (she did some awful **** to me). But I met someone 1000x better afterwards and we are still together. You always meet someone better afterwards.
2-3 minutes. There was this really fat chick who justwouldn't/couldn't get out the way so I literally had to climb over her, and it took ages.
Honestly though it hasn't taken me any time to get over girls ever8)... though that's because I've allways been single :cry:. Not that I've ever actually tried to change that.
It took me 2 years to let myself trust women again after what happened with one of my past girlfriends. Nothing like having the girl you're dating sleep with another guy becasue she didn't want to go to college a virgin and you denied her advance based on principle.....yeah it took me a while to actually want to get back in the game, and that relationship ended the moment I was informed.
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