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[QUOTE="mrmusicman247"] no one knows who superman is you dum dum how can they put it in his food superman has a weakness just like every other superheroCondorCalabasasIt was obviously a joke, you dum dum No, every other super hero has weaknesses. Superman has a single weakness. Which is pretty boring if you ask me.
his goody two shoe-ness is a weakness.
same thing for batman.
except superman has an anger problem. when gets mad he can kill if he wants too
I didn't even notice.[QUOTE="Allicrombie"][QUOTE="worlock77"]
I know it's common to use music from previous films in trailers (since the score is typically one of the last things completed), but using such a well known piece from such an iconic franchise? Really?
Did you not watch LOTR?
I didn't notice and I've watched them all two times.Why did they use LotR music? :? The teasers were just stupid. Showed absolutely nothing other than Superman flying. At least they could have used their own music or something from the other Superman music.
I never understood the interest in super man.
He can't die, hes got hulk strength, he can fly, etc.
There is nothing relatable about that character, which is why the Batman series was so well recieved.
Yeah Batman is a highly intelligent supergenius with the strength of 10 men and the combat prowless greater than that of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee combined. And did I forget that he's a billionaire playboy that somehow gets all the ladies?
Yeah he's relatable... I mean he's mortal right?
It was obviously a joke, you dum dum No, every other super hero has weaknesses. Superman has a single weakness. Which is pretty boring if you ask me.[QUOTE="CondorCalabasas"][QUOTE="mrmusicman247"] no one knows who superman is you dum dum how can they put it in his food superman has a weakness just like every other superheromrmusicman247
his goody two shoe-ness is a weakness.
same thing for batman.
except superman has an anger problem. when gets mad he can kill if he wants too
The tv shows with Tim Daly as the voice actor were pretty good. Yes Superman was still powerful but he wasn't that powerful and he did have some powerful enemies like Darkseid, General Zod, and even Lex Luthor who did have the ability to destroy him.
[QUOTE="CondorCalabasas"] It was obviously a joke, you dum dum No, every other super hero has weaknesses. Superman has a single weakness. Which is pretty boring if you ask me.leviathan91
his goody two shoe-ness is a weakness.
same thing for batman.
except superman has an anger problem. when gets mad he can kill if he wants too
The tv shows with Tim Daly as the voice actor were pretty good. Yes Superman was still powerful but he wasn't that powerful and he did have some powerful enemies like Darkseid, General Zod, and even Lex Luthor who did have the ability to destroy him.
well general zod is in the movie as well(yes i know) and maybe lex luthor could appear in the movie(maybe a cameo as well). david goyer who did the screenplay of the dark knight rises is doing the man of steal screen play. so the movie could have a good storyline. and i kinda watch the leak trailer that was from comic con. couldnt see what was going on but it felt kinda like a mature movie then the 90's ones from what people are telling me.I think people would love Superman movies better if they focused more on the greatest aspect of the character
If the studio had the balls to make it just like that, It'd have a $250 million opening weekend, guaranteed...and I'd be first in line.
How many times can they remake the Superman movies before they realize...THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!
Superman is just an overwhelmingly dull superhero. Time to come up with some other guys to make movies about.
And I sh*t you not, the entire movie theater let out an "Uggggghhhhh" when "Man of Steel" came across the screen.
I think recognize the music in the trailer. It's from LOTR, right? That's why we have so many LOTR quotes in this thread which had nothing to do with LOTR, right? Or am I losing it?tylergamereviewYeah, this is what I thought the instant I saw the teaser in the theater... LotR Gandalf death music.
How many times can they remake the Superman movies before they realize...THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!
Superman is just an overwhelmingly dull superhero. Time to come up with some other guys to make movies about.
And I sh*t you not, the entire movie theater let out an "Uggggghhhhh" when "Man of Steel" came across the screen.
O ye of little faith?
Richard Donner Superman says Hi. Sure it's starting to show it's age, but still a great film.How many times can they remake the Superman movies before they realize...THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!
Superman is just an overwhelmingly dull superhero. Time to come up with some other guys to make movies about.
And I sh*t you not, the entire movie theater let out an "Uggggghhhhh" when "Man of Steel" came across the screen.
O ye of little faith?
There has never been a good Superman movie. Why should I have faith that this will be any different? They should just give up on it and make a movie about another hero. Hell, I'd rather see a Robin/Night Wing movie than subject myself to seeing anything related to Superman.
O ye of little faith?
There has never been a good Superman movie. Why should I have faith that this will be any different? They should just give up on it and make a movie about another hero. Hell, I'd rather see a Robin/Night Wing movie than subject myself to seeing anything related to Superman.
Superman anyone? Also, the animated series starring Tim Daly were pretty exceptional. Perhaps future Superman films should take pointers from the tv shows and make Superman less powerful then he already is.
A movie about Superman can be a great film if done right and while Superman is powerful, he isn't immortal. He does have some pretty powerful enemies like Braniac, Darkseid, Zod, and even Lex Luthor. Also, his morality is bit of an issue which can be emphasized in the film.
Superman anyone? Also, the animated series starring Tim Daly were pretty exceptional. Perhaps future Superman films should take pointers from the tv shows and make Superman less powerful then he already is.
A movie about Superman can be a great film if done right and while Superman is powerful, he isn't immortal. He does have some pretty powerful enemies like Braniac, Darkseid, Zod, and even Lex Luthor. Also, his morality is bit of an issue which can be emphasized in the film.
Not to me it wasn't.
Superman anyone? Also, the animated series starring Tim Daly were pretty exceptional. Perhaps future Superman films should take pointers from the tv shows and make Superman less powerful then he already is.
A movie about Superman can be a great film if done right and while Superman is powerful, he isn't immortal. He does have some pretty powerful enemies like Braniac, Darkseid, Zod, and even Lex Luthor. Also, his morality is bit of an issue which can be emphasized in the film.
Not to me it wasn't.
To each his own then. I think there can be an epic Superman film though personally I'd rather see a Justice League film. Now that would be an epic movie.
From what little I saw I was impressed. Superman is awesome and has definitely become underrated in my opinion. With Nolan Snyder working on the this I have very high hopes for this. It doesn't look like the first trailer that Green Lantern did, if anyone remembers. Since the Batman movies are done (or taking a break) DC is gonna need superman to be their big movie cash in that competes against Marvel.
the same thing could be said for batman before Nolan got it. Also if captain america and thor can get descent movies I don't see why Superman won't get one eventually.How many times can they remake the Superman movies before they realize...THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!
Superman is just an overwhelmingly dull superhero. Time to come up with some other guys to make movies about.
And I sh*t you not, the entire movie theater let out an "Uggggghhhhh" when "Man of Steel" came across the screen.
A lot of people still imagine Superman as that cheesy Silver age personality that he was. He's not like that anymore. Superman can written to be an interesting and very cool character. He's the last krytonian so he would feel like an outcast and a loner on earth. Since he's powerful he almost has a self hate with himself because of his fear of destroying everything around him. He can feel stressed and overwhelmed since he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. The animated series in the late 90's Superman was very well done and they brought his powers down to make him more mortal. And the first Superman movie in 1978 with the late Mr. Reeves was pretty good for it's time. I believe this movie is gonna surprise many people about him.How many times can they remake the Superman movies before they realize...THEY WILL NEVER BE GOOD!
Superman is just an overwhelmingly dull superhero. Time to come up with some other guys to make movies about.
And I sh*t you not, the entire movie theater let out an "Uggggghhhhh" when "Man of Steel" came across the screen.
People keep mentioning this. Nothing new to use preexisting scores for teasers, especially since Hans Zimmer was only just recently signed on to score the film, and so an original does not yet exist.Great but they are using the music from Lord Of The Rings.
I expected more.
Why not wait and see what the full trailer looks like..This is just a teaser..Man you guys a nit picking this already lol..The best teaser i saw in the last few years was star trek..When they showed them building the enterprise..Other than that most where garbage..This has some promise to it..Ill wait an see what they have to offer as far as a superman movie is like..Smallvil also lasted 10 years..Long time for a show..So it had success weather some of you liked it or not..
You know, if I were an actor I don't think I'd agree to be in anything Superman related. There's a curse there. George Reeves was shot and killed. Christopher Reeve had that horse accident. Margo Kidder had a mental breakdown. Dean Cain's career died. I think I'd steer clear.
Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.You know, if I were an actor I don't think I'd agree to be in anything Superman related. There's a curse there. George Reeves was shot and killed. Christopher Reeve had that horse accident. Margo Kidder had a mental breakdown. Dean Cain's career died. I think I'd steer clear.
I think recognize the music in the trailer. It's from LOTR, right? That's why we have so many LOTR quotes in this thread which had nothing to do with LOTR, right? Or am I losing it?tylergamereview
Is it Lothlorian? I was thinking the music was Adagio.
:lol: True. I think Smallville was too long....[QUOTE="DeadMan1290"][QUOTE="Allicrombie"] Yeah that's more than he does in 10 seasons of Smallville.TheFallenDemon
Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.[QUOTE="worlock77"]
You know, if I were an actor I don't think I'd agree to be in anything Superman related. There's a curse there. George Reeves was shot and killed. Christopher Reeve had that horse accident. Margo Kidder had a mental breakdown. Dean Cain's career died. I think I'd steer clear.
That post was really just a set-up for the crack at Dean Cain.
superman is so lame not even zack snyder can save him.
a big boy scout/god that can pull any power he needs out of his ass whenever he needs it.
he's such a crap super hero.
Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.[QUOTE="ToastRider11"]
You know, if I were an actor I don't think I'd agree to be in anything Superman related. There's a curse there. George Reeves was shot and killed. Christopher Reeve had that horse accident. Margo Kidder had a mental breakdown. Dean Cain's career died. I think I'd steer clear.
That post was really just a set-up for the crack at Dean Cain.
Are you going to kill him?:?Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.[QUOTE="ToastRider11"]
You know, if I were an actor I don't think I'd agree to be in anything Superman related. There's a curse there. George Reeves was shot and killed. Christopher Reeve had that horse accident. Margo Kidder had a mental breakdown. Dean Cain's career died. I think I'd steer clear.
That post was really just a set-up for the crack at Dean Cain.
Brandon Routh hasn't been in any movies that were huge blockbuster hits, nor did he really become a star since Returns.
Superman is my favorite superhero, but I don't like what they're doing with him. What I mainly can't stand is his costume, the 'S' emblem, the general color scheme of the outfit, and the lack of Lex Luthor. I'm much more of a traditionalist, although I did like the symbol and suit (especially the second suit) from Nolan's Batman trilogy more than the symbol and suits from Burton/Schumacher. I think what would make a great story would be if Lex Luthor was a scientist that was advocating measures against global warming and Superman, remembering what happened to his home planet, teams up with Luthor, only to find out that Luthor was using Kryptonian technology Superman lent him to speed up the warming causing Superman to go across the world to save humans from a 'Day After Tomorrow' scenario. Luthor escapes and gets rich somehow from his exploitation of the government's funds making him the billionaire that he's known as in the contemporary comics. Yeah, I'm not that good of a writer, but it's a thought. I also think casting someone like Rashida Jones would be a good choice, diversifying the cast a little, but it looks like they're doing that with Laurence Fishburne as Perry White.Genetic_Code
While superman isn't my favorite he is one of my favorites. I dislike Zod being the villian. He isn;t really that big in the comics and when he is he is in some bad storylines "War of the Supermen" ew... I would have preferred Lex Luthor but let's have him be the maniacal scientist that he is and not some millionare that just is "evil" but actually can fight anf use that suit of his (I liked your idea too but Luthor needs to fight superman for once). Lex hates superman because Lex could have been the world's savior of alien man never showed up. I think Lex will be referrenced in Man of Steel, like running for president or something. I understand why Zod is being used, he is kryptonian, will be more of a challenge for superman, but there is so much more villians that can be used.
How cool would it be if brainiac invaded and luthor sent up a bunch of robot things to stop it only for superman to come out of nowhere and steal Luthor's thunder. Then Brainiac and Luthor make a deal to take out superman as long as luthor allows brainiac to have earth. Then brainiac will give luthor the suit to have the strength of superman and there we go. We can have superman vs. Luthor, luthor's many scientific creations that the writers can make up to give the movie some fluffs, brainiac, and some alien stuff.
[QUOTE="ToastRider11"] Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.
That post was really just a set-up for the crack at Dean Cain.
Brandon Routh hasn't been in any movies that were huge blockbuster hits, nor did he really become a star since Returns.
He really wasn't a star before.[QUOTE="worlock77"]
[QUOTE="ToastRider11"] Nothing has happened to Brandon Routh so far and it's been 6 years since superman returns. If anything it made him recognizeable. And if voice actors count as well then all of them are fine.
That post was really just a set-up for the crack at Dean Cain.
Are you going to kill him?:?Not sure how you get that from my post.
Why 2013 release?
Gives it summer blockbuster time moving it from December 2012 to June 2013 and also prevents it competing with another WB movie, The Hobbit Part 1. It would be a bad idea for WB to have two WB movies competing for the spotlight in the same month. This was all announced last summer. I don't blame people for not knowing though, it isn't like much info on this movie has been flowing out.
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