Before I cut to the chase, let me tell you a little about the relationship I have with my grandmother. She hates me, ever since I was born. I never knew why, I asked but she just grunted every time I wanted an answer. And I dunno why someone would hate me, I'm one of the most kind hearted people you'll every meet really. I make the honor roll all the time regardless if I want something or not, and I'm not spoiled at all. I know I need to earn what I want and thats what my parents told me when they gave me an X-Box 360, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja, SMG, DBZ Tenkaichi 3, and an extra Wii Remote for X-Mas. Well at least they love me you know. I know anything I get, I earned it in some way. Now my little brother on the other hand, who my grandmother loves to death, is the most spoiled rotton kid to hit the face of the earth. He'd be the biggest thing to hit the my sweet 16 tv show, yea he's that bad. His behavior just stinks, he hardly has any friends cause he thinks he's too good for them, and his grades are just god awful. Still, for some reason,my grandmother loves him anyway. The week before X-Mas I was forced to take her shopping and to my surprise, we actually got along for once. She even asked what I wanted for X-Mas. So I told her, if anything, to get me a Nintendo DS with Pokemon Pearl. She said she do it since I was a good child, I even saw her looking at the DS's at the eletronics at Wal-Mart. I felt, without a doubt, that I was getting a DS. I could buy it with my own money but I wanted to see if she was for real. So I decided to do my part and get her a $200 karot gold necklace. So X-Mas finally came, I played with the awsome stuff my parents gave me and we went over to Grandmother's.After dinner she passed out the gifts.
Here's the BS event that happened:
My little brother, who is spoiled to the core and can't pass one course at school to save his life, was given an iPhone, Accessories, and a $50 iTunes Card
While me, who passes all of their courses regardless with flying colorsand doesn't beg for what I want and is always good to everyone, was given a crappy Old Spice deordarant pack.
Now don't get me wrong, I really don't mind getting deordarant for X-Mas seeing that I'll most likely need it later, but I remember specifically telling my grandmother while we were out shopping that I HATE OLD SPICE! It smells like crap. Really, it does and I reeeeaaallly hate that stuff. So I was like "Wtf, I told you I hated Old Spice and you said you were getting me a DS" and she says "The Nintendo DS was too expensive" and I just couldn't believe it, my mouth was dropped wide open. I can't believe she had the nerve to say that after she got my little brother an iPhone with extras that costs somewhere between 300 and 400 bucks MORE than the Nintendo DS with Pokemon Diamond. My mom saw where I was getting at too and I just left the house and waited in the car for the next few hours while my parents talked and left. I can't believe how that old hag treated her own grandson like this. So tomorrow, I'm taking back that 200 dollar necklace and getting my own damn DS. She never knew she was gonna get it anyway. It WAS a surprise, not anymore. I was sure enough surprised today.
So my question to you all is, can you think of a more f'ed up way to screw your grandchild over on X-Mas?
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