[QUOTE="mramz88"] he made some dogs fight eachother. boo hoo QQ. nobody cares. hes still a good ball playerParisHilton1Fan
He did a lot more than that...read my first post on this page
-you know like run an illegal gambling ring for 6+ years, brutally kill 100's of dogs,dumb enough to snaek weed in a water bottle on a plane
And he is a great athlete, not that great of a QB
"executed approximately 8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions."
I'm not saying it's right but stop stretching the truth.
Actually, we are both exagerating...he admitted to 8 dogs...but these did not include the ones that died fighting or the family pets that he threw in with fighting dogs just to watch them die. They dug up tons of dead dogs on HIS property
Also, some people o here are comparing this to hitting a woman.
It does not compare at all.
I have never hit a woman (unless you count my sisters when I was like 5).
But there is probably a situation where I would hit a woman...attacking me with a weapon, attacking someone I care about, etc.
There is NO situation where I would
1. drown dogs with my bare hands
2. electrocute them to death
3. hang them from trees
4. throw small family pets in with fighting dogs and watch them get torn apart
-I am not some vegan either...I eat meat...I would kill a dog and eat it if I was starving...but I would never torture an animal like he did
If you want to know how I feel about his playing again or the Eagles, just read my previous posts
Also, the Dante Stallworth incident does not compare to this...it is very complicated
1. he did drink the night before
2. he was still legally drunk
3. but he had gone home and slept till the next morning
4. he was only doing 10mph over the speed limit
5. the guy was jaywalking on a busy street
6. the prosecution admitted that it would be nearly impossible to prove alcohol was the cause of the accident...basically it could have happened to anyone...just imagine driving down a busy street, doing 50 mph, come around a corner, and suddenly see a guy in the street
7. Vick intended to torture animals and he did for more than 5 years. Dante did not intend to hit someone
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