1. Is this a big deal? I dont think so.
2. Nothing hotter than a cute girl taking a bong rip
3. SHe was nothing to me before, now she is a little more than nothing as my admiration of her has gone up a little.
4. Yeah, salvia...right Miley. And I am the pope. Just own up to it, embrace it. Salvia almost seems worse in a way lol.
5. Dont apolgize for this. Just come out and say it: "I dont give a damn. I am 18, and I smoke on occasion because it makes me feel good with zero negative side effects. Or would you rather I drink like 95% of the underage population, drive, then get arrested like other celebrity girls"
6. I am so sick of the media.
1. it may not be a big deal now till you see 12-13 years old somking drugs cause miley is doing it.
2. really? is that all you guys think about? she looks like well i cant say or i get ban here
3. cause she smoking a bong you like her more man that f up
4. i don't care what it is drugs are bad.
5. negative side effects? are you fing joking me? there plenty of side effects to any drugs specially when you see lama or some odd animal across the room with only doing in less than a minute or two.
6. i am sick of people think its alright to smoke when it really does effect you
How naive/ignorant are you?
For starters, if kids start smoking pot, thereare only one or two people to blame; the parents. Sure, there are a variety of factors, but if you raised your kids right, they wont start smoking until the appropriate age.
Second, yes...I happen to find a women that smokes pot attractive. I also find women with black hair attractive too, as well as women that enjoy a good heavy dark beer on occasion. You going to give me crap for that too?
Third, I do not "like" her more. My intent was to express that I am happy she is making her own decisions, and making decisions that do not conform to your paranoid, narrow-minded idea of what society should be. In short, this is a shock to the system that produces all kinds of worthless crap and it is good on occasion.
Fourth, marijuana and salviaare not bad. No one dies because they smoked pot. No one kills because they smoked pot. Maybe, just maybe, if you smoke a large number of joints per day for 70 years your lungs will be as damaged as a tobacco smoker...but outside of that, you cannot morally or objectively sit there and tell me marijuana is bad.
Fifth, what the hell are you smoking to think marijuana or salviacauses hallucinations? I've smoked my fair share of salvia; its not a big deal, actually, its a waste of money. Spend the extra cash and get some nice weed.
And finally, I dont care if youre sick. be sick. Thats your choice. Just like it is our choice to smoke stuff. And as I said earlier, it has no negative side effects.
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