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To be fair, there are predominantly black churches in the deep south where white folk or Asians, etc. wouldn't be taken kindly to. It's not just a one way street. Yeah? Do you know any black churches that banned a white marriage?[QUOTE="Zeviander"]I wonder if those white folk were told it's not 1930 anymore.Pirate700
How is this even legal anyway? Are there not discrimination laws? The primary reason for the refusal is because of their skin colour, so I can't see how someone can defend that in the 21st century.RavensmashA church should have the right to refuse marriage services to whoever they want....this may be racist but the government shouldnt be forcing a church/pastor to marry a couple they dont want
No, I want proof that a black church won't welcome people of different races. If you think there aren't black churches in the deep south where many of the attendees don't like white folk, you are extremely naive... So you're basically pulling random bs out of your ass[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]You need proof that there are racist black people?
[QUOTE="Pirate700"]If you think there aren't black churches in the deep south where many of the attendees don't like white folk, you are extremely naive... So you're basically pulling random bs out of your ass That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums...[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"] No, I want proof that a black church won't welcome people of different races. Bucked20
[QUOTE="Ravensmash"]How is this even legal anyway? Are there not discrimination laws? The primary reason for the refusal is because of their skin colour, so I can't see how someone can defend that in the 21st century.mingmao3046A church should have the right to refuse marriage services to whoever they want....this may be racist but the government shouldnt be forcing a church/pastor to marry a couple they dont want So you believe in allowing active discrimination? Why do the racists get to win, while the innocent citizens get told to f*ck off elsewhere?
Heck, why don't you just bring back segregation in that case.
If that does happen, then what you are describing is resentment towards being oppressed or at the worst group bias. That happens all around the world. It has nothing to do with feeling superior towards a race.[QUOTE="champion837"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]To be fair, there are predominantly black churches in the deep south where white folk or Asians, etc. wouldn't be taken kindly to. It's not just a one way street.
My point is it's not just evil whitey keeping everyone down. It's a shameful act that plagues all races.
"It's a shameful act that plagues all races." What about slavery and all of the years of Jim Crow, and the people who were assassinated in Mississippi. Was that something that plagued "all races"? You are going to have to accept that when people are mad that they have owned a group and killed their people for nearly 400 years, you arent going to have them being the most nice towards you. You make it sound like its equal "shameful act that plagues all races". #1, very few groups have shown the amount of racism in the last 100 years towards a people than white people have shown towards blacks, #2 black resentment is not on the same level or let alone equal to racial superiority and degrading bigotry that white people have shown.To be fair, there are predominantly black churches in the deep south where white folk or Asians, etc. wouldn't be taken kindly to. It's not just a one way street.Pirate700It sure wasn't a two-way street in the early 20th century. I find it interesting though, how blacks in a matter of 50-odd years go from subordination, to equality, to thinking themselves superior to whites (not as a whole mind you, but I've met my fair share of racist blacks; depends on where they are from).
[QUOTE="Pirate700"][QUOTE="champion837"] If that does happen, then what you are describing is resentment towards being oppressed or at the worst group bias. That happens all around the world. It has nothing to do with feeling superior towards a race.champion837
My point is it's not just evil whitey keeping everyone down. It's a shameful act that plagues all races.
"It's a shameful act that plagues all races." What about slavery and all of the years of Jim Crow, and the people who were assassinated in Mississippi. Was that something that plagued "all races"? You are going to have to accept that when people are mad that they have owned a group and killed their people for nearly 400 years, you arent going to have them being the most nice towards you. You make it sound like its equal "shameful act that plagues all races". #1, very few groups have shown the amount of racism in the last 100 years towards a people than white people have shown towards blacks, #2 black resentment is not on the same level or let alone equal to racial superiority and degrading bigotry that white people have shown.So you don't think racism is an issue for all races. Got it. Not going to waste my time with you then...So you're basically pulling random bs out of your ass That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums... Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist too[QUOTE="Bucked20"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]If you think there aren't black churches in the deep south where many of the attendees don't like white folk, you are extremely naive...
I find it interesting though, how blacks in a matter of 50-odd years go from subordination, to equality, to thinking themselves superior to whites (not as a whole mind you, but I've met my fair share of racist blacks; depends on where they are from).ZevianderI have heard of black people who might resent white people, but I dont hear about people who feel "superior" to whites.
[QUOTE="Pirate700"]That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums... Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooI'm not trying to justify it, you idiot. I said it was shameful and disgraceful.[QUOTE="Bucked20"] So you're basically pulling random bs out of your ass Bucked20
[QUOTE="Pirate700"]That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums... Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooevery race can be racist you dumbass[QUOTE="Bucked20"] So you're basically pulling random bs out of your ass Bucked20
A church should have the right to refuse marriage services to whoever they want....this may be racist but the government shouldnt be forcing a church/pastor to marry a couple they dont want So you believe in allowing active discrimination? Why do the racists get to win, while the innocent citizens get told to f*ck off elsewhere?[QUOTE="mingmao3046"][QUOTE="Ravensmash"]How is this even legal anyway? Are there not discrimination laws? The primary reason for the refusal is because of their skin colour, so I can't see how someone can defend that in the 21st century.Ravensmash
Heck, why don't you just bring back segregation in that case.
This church isn't helping their public image by refusing this service......most churches would allow it. This would be like saying a church is forced to marry a gay couple regardless of their opposition to it. government intervention is not goodSo you don't think racism is an issue for all races.Pirate700It can be. I never disputed that. But you made it sound like all races are equally racist, which is not the case.
Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooI'm not trying to justify it, you idiot. I said it was shameful and disgraceful. I know you're trying to justify it,you don't have to admit it though[QUOTE="Bucked20"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums...
Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooevery race can be racist you dumbass No sh*t dumbass,he just brings up the fact that some blacks are racist so he can justify whites being racist[QUOTE="Bucked20"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]That's funny coming from the most racist kid on these forums...
No, I want proof that a black church won't welcome people of different races. If you think there aren't black churches in the deep south where many of the attendees don't like white folk, you are extremely naive... of course there going to be people in a black majority church how have resentment but guess what in church they are going to keep that to themselves and just worship and they wont' stop anyone trying to get married at their church. This isn't the first time a white church stopped a marriage because they didn't agree with it, just last year a church in Kentucky passed a vote that banned interracial marriage and the pastor had to nullify it because they got so much bad press. You will never see a black church pass something like that. So I don't think you can say all churches are like this, yeah people have prejudices but a church not letting people get married because they are of different skin seems to only happen with a white congregation.[QUOTE="Chris_Williams"][QUOTE="Pirate700"]You need proof that there are racist black people?
[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]every race can be racist you dumbass No sh*t dumbass,he just brings up the fact that some blacks are racist so he can justify whites being racist ok continue to argue with pirate i 100% know you're going to lose[QUOTE="Bucked20"] Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooBucked20
Any "Church" that has a problem with people of different races is not a true Church of Christ; it's a Church of the Devil.
No sh*t dumbass,he just brings up the fact that some blacks are racist so he can justify whites being racist ok continue to argue with pirate i 100% know you're going to lose All i do is win I don't take L's boy[QUOTE="Bucked20"][QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]every race can be racist you dumbass
Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church.They should probably consider a new church.
And this is why Mississippi is one of the worst states in the U.S. and should be burned down.MgamerBD
We need to get Willem Dafoe on the line.
[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]ok continue to argue with pirate i 100% know you're going to lose All i do is win I don't take L's boy[QUOTE="Bucked20"] No sh*t dumbass,he just brings up the fact that some blacks are racist so he can justify whites being racist Bucked20
Haha I fuxx with you son. Your funny as hell.
[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church.They should probably consider a new church.
They'll still be racist. Just because we force them into doing the cermony it won't stop them from thinking it. It's a church. If they don't want to wed black people, forcing them to wed black people isn't going to do anything to keep them from unfairly judging black people, and those some people won't ever be welcome in that church. They'd be ostracized for the entire time they were there.
The only thing for them to do is find another church. There are thousands of them, and in Mississippi there's probably a few hundred.
Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]
They should probably consider a new church.
They'll still be racist. Just because we force them into doing the cermony it won't stop them from thinking it. It's a church. If they don't want to wed black people, forcing them to wed black people isn't going to do anything to keep them from unfairly judging black people, and those some people won't ever be welcome in that church. They'd be ostracized for the entire time they were there.
The only thing for them to do is find another church. There are thousands of them, and in Mississippi there's probably a few hundred.
they aren't fighting to get married there, thats not why this is news. Its news because stuff like this is still going on in the 2012.Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]
They should probably consider a new church.
They'll still be racist. Just because we force them into doing the cermony it won't stop them from thinking it. It's a church. If they don't want to wed black people, forcing them to wed black people isn't going to do anything to keep them from unfairly judging black people, and those some people won't ever be welcome in that church. They'd be ostracized for the entire time they were there.
The only thing for them to do is find another church. There are thousands of them, and in Mississippi there's probably a few hundred.
They've been attending the church every sunday. Sure they'll still be racist, but marrying them would send a message to that congregation that it's not acceptable in the 21st century. Telling the couple to piss off elsewhere however? Yep, if you shout/complain long enough about the dark folk then they'll go away eventually.[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"][QUOTE="Ravensmash"] Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church. Ravensmash
They'll still be racist. Just because we force them into doing the cermony it won't stop them from thinking it. It's a church. If they don't want to wed black people, forcing them to wed black people isn't going to do anything to keep them from unfairly judging black people, and those some people won't ever be welcome in that church. They'd be ostracized for the entire time they were there.
The only thing for them to do is find another church. There are thousands of them, and in Mississippi there's probably a few hundred.
They've been attending the church every sunday. Sure they'll still be racist, but marrying them would send a message to that congregation that it's not acceptable in the 21st century. Telling the couple to piss off elsewhere however? Yep, if you shout/complain long enough about the dark folk then they'll go away eventually.Maybe, but whether you send the message or not they'll still believe whatever the hell they want. It may not be acceptable but they're still gonna do it. And yeah, if you do assault a person long enough they'll leave for somewhere else. I don't see what anyone can do about it, though. This falls into that "gray" category, where if you try to make them do something they claim religious prosecution.
I'm just saying the only real solution for these people is to go somewhere else.
Church pastor exercises right internet explodes, aka another Monday in the off-topic forums.
The Internet loves retro things.
They've been attending the church every sunday. Sure they'll still be racist, but marrying them would send a message to that congregation that it's not acceptable in the 21st century. Telling the couple to piss off elsewhere however? Yep, if you shout/complain long enough about the dark folk then they'll go away eventually.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"][QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]
They'll still be racist. Just because we force them into doing the cermony it won't stop them from thinking it. It's a church. If they don't want to wed black people, forcing them to wed black people isn't going to do anything to keep them from unfairly judging black people, and those some people won't ever be welcome in that church. They'd be ostracized for the entire time they were there.
The only thing for them to do is find another church. There are thousands of them, and in Mississippi there's probably a few hundred.
Maybe, but whether you send the message or not they'll still believe whatever the hell they want. It may not be acceptable but they're still gonna do it. And yeah, if you do assault a person long enough they'll leave for somewhere else. I don't see what anyone can do about it, though. This falls into that "gray" category, where if you try to make them do something they claim religious prosecution.
I'm just saying the only real solution for these people is to go somewhere else.
How do racist views fall under religious persecution? F*ck their beliefs, the pastor should say that too and take a stand. This is 2012 America we're talking about, open discrimination and forced segregation is not the answer.[QUOTE="almasdeathchild"]every race can be racist you dumbass No sh*t dumbass,he just brings up the fact that some blacks are racist so he can justify whites being racist Why don't you show me where I justified this as OK?[QUOTE="Bucked20"] Its just funny that you're trying to justify this by saying black people are racist tooBucked20
[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"][QUOTE="Ravensmash"] They've been attending the church every sunday. Sure they'll still be racist, but marrying them would send a message to that congregation that it's not acceptable in the 21st century. Telling the couple to piss off elsewhere however? Yep, if you shout/complain long enough about the dark folk then they'll go away eventually.Ravensmash
Maybe, but whether you send the message or not they'll still believe whatever the hell they want. It may not be acceptable but they're still gonna do it. And yeah, if you do assault a person long enough they'll leave for somewhere else. I don't see what anyone can do about it, though. This falls into that "gray" category, where if you try to make them do something they claim religious prosecution.
I'm just saying the only real solution for these people is to go somewhere else.
How do racist views fall under religious persecution? F*ck their beliefs, the pastor should say that too and take a stand. This is 2012 America we're talking about, open discrimination and forced segregation is not the answer.Of course it isn't and I agree with you. But they'll still say it. These people aren't going to just stop being racist, and because its about their church they can manipulate things to their advantage.
A perfect example of that is the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. I was there when that sh!t went down. I have never heard more stupid, angry religious people complain about gays than I have there. I even had a guy tell me if he had to share a barracks room with a "f**got", he'd murder him. And the Marine Corps acknowledged what they said.
[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way nor is it that simple.They should probably consider a new church.
[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]And this is why Mississippi is one of the worst states in the U.S. and should be burned down.THE_DRUGGIE
We need to get Willem Dafoe on the line.
Both he and Hackman are on there way.
[QUOTE="-TheSecondSign-"]Let the racists win. No, if the pastor was a decent person then he'd go ahead with the wedding and tell those racists to go and find a new church. The pastor and some of the people of the church made their stand known. He and his wife can go to a non racist church and take their money with them.They should probably consider a new church.
Some people believe churches are allowed to discriminate "within reason" (whatever the fvck that means) so I guess it wouldn't be that farfetched for it to be allowed in sh1thole state like Mississippi.[QUOTE="Ravensmash"]How is this even legal anyway? Are there not discrimination laws? The primary reason for the refusal is because of their skin colour, so I can't see how someone can defend that in the 21st century.Aljosa23
The best way to fight hate is with more hate, obviously. Nice job, Aljosa.
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