GOP logic is if you're losing an argument, just call your opponent "politically correct."
First, you can't reject services to persons based on uncontrollable characteristics (look at Jim Crow. We don't want that again).
Second, yes women's rights are vastly different from the United States compared to the Middle East but the similarity is this: Both have problems and that's a very broad statement. Obviously the Middle East has much larger problems but using the argument, "Muslim women in the M.E. have it worse," doesn't work since women in the U.S. still have their own problems such as intrusive policies on birth control and abortion as well as a wage gap.
As for whatever else you posted, it reads like right wing drivel. Liberals love Sharia Law? I don't think you know what being liberal means, nor do you know what Sharia Law consists of which contradicts liberal principles.
Also, prior to Bush Jr., first generation Muslims voted conservative. Why is this important? Because after 9/11, you have Muslims voting Democratic, not because of some idiotic conspiracy but rather because of the GOP's vicious hate speech towards Muslims, especially today. If you don't think Ted Cruz's proposal to have law enforcement patrol Muslim neighborhoods is despotic, then you need to reexamine if whether or not you truly support the Constitution and the principles behind it.
1. No, actually the race card trumps any attempt at reasonable debate. Why is the fact that political support for civil rights came almost exclusively from the Republican Party so conveniently swept under the rug?
2. So no, we can't have segregation, but rejecting services is not the equivalent of Jim Crow in this scenario. Your use of absolutes is in direct contrast of classical progressivism. When you force someone to perform an act that is in direct conflict with their religious beliefs, you must do so under the assumption that it is the only available option. This was not the case.
3. The "wage gap" you refer to doesn't exist. Earnings differential? Yes, but for the sake of your argument you have to ignore the lifestyle choices that women make. I know women with 6 figure incomes that say they would rather be a home-maker. Feminists might not like this, but unfortunately what a women prefers to with her own life is not their decision to make. I work with men who's wives work part-time so that they can be home with the children and allow their husbands to work overtime. Unless you can prove that a man is being paid MORE than a woman for doing the exact same job, there is no "wage" gap.
4. It was a jest to assert that liberals want to implement Sharia Law. What is quite disturbing is that while they acknowledge the existence of such oppression, some blame anti-Islamic speech for radical extremism, suggesting that our "tolerance" of their culture would prevent terrorism. So we must tolerate intolerance?
5. There is no conspiracy with Muslims voting democrat. It's simple-minded Christian conservative politicians like Ted Cruz that think that the Constitution only applies to Christians that drive every rational minded person away from the Republican Party. My argument is that the Democratic party is no "safe haven" either, hence the "anti-establishment" movement that Ted Cruz claims to be a part of despite being the guy that most rational conservatives are running from.
- I hate to burst your bubble, but Democrats and Republicans switched ideologies during history. So this argument is null and void. The republicans of today, were like the democrats during Lincolns days.Whi
- The thing is. The US follows secular laws. And Secular Laws override that of religious ideology. Religion does not go above the law, and religion is no excuse to act in an unlawful manner that is detrimental to society.
- Look, I agree with you here. But your reasoning is ABYSMAL! The Wage gap is a myth, but using anecdotes is a terrible way to debunk it.
- This kinda conflicts with point 2, wouldnt you say?
- Well yes, both Democrats and Republicans suck. Both are full of corruption and whatnot. Both pander to crazies. Be it moonbats on the left or wingnuts on the right. I have no respect for the Nature Woo that plagues the left just like I have no respect for the creationism, global warming denialism and Mises nonsense that pollutes the right wing. Identity politics is awful, if only because it makes one prone to accept all sorts of stupid dogma.
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