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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Dishonest, gutless, two faced individuals......D3nnyCraneI feel there is a story here. Bed time story if you clean up your room.....
[QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Dishonest, gutless, two faced individuals......LJS9502_basicI feel there is a story here. Bed time story if you clean up your room..... > MFW I am actually tidying and folding clothes :| Stop that.
"she's not that hot"gamerguru100She really isn't. Solid 7.
[QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"]No, you just wouldn't stop BranKetraIT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I WOULDN'T STOP DOINHe doesn't even say that. Goddamn that was lame.
No, no, no. Let's give him a chance to explain.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"]>it doesn't matter what your name is >it doesn't matter what I wouldn't stop doin lolno. It doesn't work. It sucked ass. Wow, thanks, cheese_game. You really...actually, no. Fail.that's for damn sure
[QUOTE="SirWander"]No, no, no. Let's give him a chance to explain.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"]>it doesn't matter what your name is >it doesn't matter what I wouldn't stop doin lolno. It doesn't work. It sucked ass. Wow, thanks, cheese_game. You really...actually, no. Fail.Oh yuck, he said fail near me. Link me to a video where Rocky said "it doesn't matter what I wouldn't stop doin". Pretty please?that's for damn sure
I honestly have no idea what the f uck is going on. so i'll just post a spiderman pic:lol: At least it fit....[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]WTF is going on in this thread?:?SirWander
Uh oh. I broke him. That didn't last long.cheese_game619Is there a reason you try to challenge other users all the time?
[QUOTE="cheese_game619"]Uh oh. I broke him. That didn't last long.LJS9502_basicIs there a reason you try to challenge other users all the time?Well I'm sure you have noticed that there are three main kinds of topics here: 1. Troll topics - they have no meaning and mostly get responses of people just mucking around with TC. They can be fun sometimes. 2. Info topics - what do you like to wear? What do you like to eat? What sport is your favourite? Boring. People just respond with their own answers and not much interaction actually happens. I usually don't participate unless it's to tell someone they are stupid (like here). 3. Argument topics - fine line between these and troll topics. The thing that makes these interesting is that you actually have to interact with other users and think about your posts and theirs. When all I have is info topics, I have to make things interesting. So I read the topic, find something I disagree with, call them out on it. Fortunately there are plenty of people here willing to offer me their unfunny jokes, their ridiculous opinions and their beta personalities.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="cheese_game619"]Uh oh. I broke him. That didn't last long.BranKetraIs there a reason you try to challenge other users all the time? Actually, that wasn't very challenging.You never responded properly because you were wrong, so your goal from there was to simply get the last word in, even if it was nothing to do with this argument or any other.
Blacks. How am I meant to enjoy a bag of jellybeans when they are all full of black ones? D3nnyCraneLast time i checked blacks are actually brown skinned :P lol
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="cheese_game619"]Uh oh. I broke him. That didn't last long.cheese_game619Is there a reason you try to challenge other users all the time?Well I'm sure you have noticed that there are three main kinds of topics here: 1. Troll topics - they have no meaning and mostly get responses of people just mucking around with TC. They can be fun sometimes. 2. Info topics - what do you like to wear? What do you like to eat? What sport is your favourite? Boring. People just respond with their own answers and not much interaction actually happens. I usually don't participate unless it's to tell someone they are stupid (like here). 3. Argument topics - fine line between these and troll topics. The thing that makes these interesting is that you actually have to interact with other users and think about your posts and theirs. When all I have is info topics, I have to make things interesting. So I read the topic, find something I disagree with, call them out on it. Fortunately there are plenty of people here willing to offer me their unfunny jokes, their ridiculous opinions and their beta personalities. And you offer your opinion. That's great.
[QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"]Blacks. How am I meant to enjoy a bag of jellybeans when they are all full of black ones? AussieePetLast time i checked blacks are actually brown skinned :P lol Exhibit A.
And you offer your opinion. That's great.BranKetraIf you want to talk, you'll answer my question, you beta son of a b*tch.
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]If you want to talk, you'll answer my question, you beta son of a b*tch.cheese_game619I'll talk however and to whomever I please. Get a reality check.
[QUOTE="D3nnyCrane"]Blacks. How am I meant to enjoy a bag of jellybeans when they are all full of black ones? AussieePetLast time i checked blacks are actually brown skinned :P lol He says he was talking about jellybeans. Not people. For whatever reason.
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]And you offer your opinion. That's great.cheese_game619If you want to talk, you'll answer my question, you beta son of a b*tch. lol This is soo pathetic why don't you go outside and stalk old women somewhere? You're constantly on here harassing other users for your enjoyment . Plus the only betch in this thread is you m8.
[QUOTE="BranKetra"][QUOTE="cheese_game619"]You never responded properly because you were wrong, so your goal from there was to simply get the last word in, even if it was nothing to do with this argument or any other.cheese_game619Negative....and now you're just doing it "ironically" so you can defend yourself with "LOLOLOL I TROLL UUU!" Do you need something? I don't know why you're talking to me.
lol This is soo pathetic why don't you go outside and stalk old women somewhere? You're constantly on here harassing other users for your enjoyment . Plus the only betch in this thread is you m8. AussieePetDon't you have dickless GS neckbeards to entertain somewhere?
Do you need something? I don't know why you're talking to me.BranKetraI wanted an answer but then I moved on because you clearly didn't have a comeback. I was talking to LJ and you butted in.
[QUOTE="Skarwolf"] You make too many assumptions, that are totally wrong. You see the thing with my wife and its the same for most females. They have a double standard. Its ok for them to do or say something but if its done back to them they freak out. I generally do all the dishes. I hate having dirty plates in the sink, I rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. My wife just puts a plate with food still on it in the sink, or a cup half full of milk in the sink without dumping it out. When I say rinse them off or dump it out she yaps back at me to do something else. Its all about control with her, she thinks she has to control everything. I do my best to disrupt everything. Its the only way to cure her.br0kenrabbit
This is why I believe in co-habitation before marriage, lol. My ex-wife was much the same way (not telling me to do stuff, just not doing her fair share) and had I known that before, the relationship would have ended BEFORE marriage.
Another thing I've noticed with some 'liberated' women, who say they don't believe in 'man jobs and women jobs' are they're fine being equals, until it involves dirt, trash, oil or dead animals.
But what are you going to do? Many women think they control the strings in a relationship, but that's only if you let them. ;)
I do it chronically. Instead of a long draw out fight I do little things constantly. Guerilla warfare.
For example... take into considreation she's extremely OCD.
1..She would organize all the fkn forks, spoons, big spoons, butter knives, steak knives exactly on top of each other. I'd go and purposely knock them all around. Or I'd switch their spots, or turn them upside down from previous. She used to flip out at this now she has given up.
2. The upstairs bathroom has to have all the white towels. The downstairs the yellow and green. I'd do the opposite until she just stopped trying to OCD organize that.
3. She used to complain about making a mess in the kitchen while making supper. I dumped everything I was currently mixing on the countertop and yelled "ITS A F---ING KITCHEN THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU F----ING COOK!" She hasn't bothered me about that since.
4. If she left me some chores to do on my two days off after having worked 50 hours all week I wouldn't do any yard chores. Then I'd leave her chores to do while I went to work telling her to wash the cares, do the lawns, clean the gutters. I'd let the lawn grow. Now there aren't anymore notes left for me other then asking me to pick something up from the store that we both need.
5. I twist the shower head so its aimed at about face height. Nice blast of cold water when you first turn it on. Feign ignorance when questioned, "You must've bumped it." Play dumb ... it works. They think you're dumb anyways.
6. When asked to run out and get something... go out and get alot of things and take 4 hours. Go visit a friend have a couple beers come home late. Guess what she won't ask you to go out anymore and get stuff.
7. We always had to watch her shows on tv. If I wanted to watch something she'd constantly complain about my choice. I'd go downstairs and watch tv without her to watch my shows and she'd question why I was downstairs.... ? BTW downstairs has a nice gas fireplace and a recliner so wtf do ya think why I'd go down there.
8. She complained that I played WOW too much so initially I stopped and only played while she was at work or late at night. She complained I stayed up too late. I stopped playing wow and got an Xbox 360. Shortly later she complained all I did was play Xbox 360. So guess what. I started going out to bars again and not coming home all night. When questioned about that I said would you rather I stayed home and played video games ? The battle continues....
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]Do you need something? I don't know why you're talking to me.cheese_game619I wanted an answer but then I moved on because you clearly didn't have a comeback. I was talking to LJ and you butted in. I didn't explain because I didn't feel like it. If you know anything about wrestling and the Rock, you should know the overall meaning of that. Since you acted like you knew what you were talking about, I didn't see a need to explain, either.
It's ridiculous that it even came to this point.
[QUOTE="AussieePet"]lol This is soo pathetic why don't you go outside and stalk old women somewhere? You're constantly on here harassing other users for your enjoyment . Plus the only betch in this thread is you m8. cheese_game619Don't you have dickless GS neckbeards to entertain somewhere?
Do you need something? I don't know why you're talking to me.BranKetraI wanted an answer but then I moved on because you clearly didn't have a comeback. I was talking to LJ and you butted in. cheese head past your bed time :P
I wanted an answer but then I moved on because you clearly didn't have a comeback. I was talking to LJ and you butted in. I didn't explain because I didn't feel like it. If you know anything about wrestling and the Rock, you should know the overall meaning of that. Since you acted like you knew what you were talking about, I didn't see a need to explain, either.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"] [QUOTE="BranKetra"]Do you need something? I don't know why you're talking to me.BranKetra
It's ridiculous that it even came to this point.
I want you to acknowledge that it was lame.[QUOTE="br0kenrabbit"]
[QUOTE="Skarwolf"] You make too many assumptions, that are totally wrong. You see the thing with my wife and its the same for most females. They have a double standard. Its ok for them to do or say something but if its done back to them they freak out. I generally do all the dishes. I hate having dirty plates in the sink, I rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. My wife just puts a plate with food still on it in the sink, or a cup half full of milk in the sink without dumping it out. When I say rinse them off or dump it out she yaps back at me to do something else. Its all about control with her, she thinks she has to control everything. I do my best to disrupt everything. Its the only way to cure her.Skarwolf
This is why I believe in co-habitation before marriage, lol. My ex-wife was much the same way (not telling me to do stuff, just not doing her fair share) and had I known that before, the relationship would have ended BEFORE marriage.
Another thing I've noticed with some 'liberated' women, who say they don't believe in 'man jobs and women jobs' are they're fine being equals, until it involves dirt, trash, oil or dead animals.
But what are you going to do? Many women think they control the strings in a relationship, but that's only if you let them. ;)
I do it chronically. Instead of a long draw out fight I do little things constantly. Guerilla warfare.
For example... take into considreation she's extremely OCD.
1..She would organize all the fkn forks, spoons, big spoons, butter knives, steak knives exactly on top of each other. I'd go and purposely knock them all around. Or I'd switch their spots, or turn them upside down from previous. She used to flip out at this now she has given up.
2. The upstairs bathroom has to have all the white towels. The downstairs the yellow and green. I'd do the opposite until she just stopped trying to OCD organize that.
3. She used to complain about making a mess in the kitchen while making supper. I dumped everything I was currently mixing on the countertop and yelled "ITS A F---ING KITCHEN THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU F----ING COOK!" She hasn't bothered me about that since.
4. If she left me some chores to do on my two days off after having worked 50 hours all week I wouldn't do any yard chores. Then I'd leave her chores to do while I went to work telling her to wash the cares, do the lawns, clean the gutters. I'd let the lawn grow. Now there aren't anymore notes left for me other then asking me to pick something up from the store that we both need.
5. I twist the shower head so its aimed at about face height. Nice blast of cold water when you first turn it on. Feign ignorance when questioned, "You must've bumped it." Play dumb ... it works. They think you're dumb anyways.
6. When asked to run out and get something... go out and get alot of things and take 4 hours. Go visit a friend have a couple beers come home late. Guess what she won't ask you to go out anymore and get stuff.
7. We always had to watch her shows on tv. If I wanted to watch something she'd constantly complain about my choice. I'd go downstairs and watch tv without her to watch my shows and she'd question why I was downstairs.... ? BTW downstairs has a nice gas fireplace and a recliner so wtf do ya think why I'd go down there.
8. She complained that I played WOW too much so initially I stopped and only played while she was at work or late at night. She complained I stayed up too late. I stopped playing wow and got an Xbox 360. Shortly later she complained all I did was play Xbox 360. So guess what. I started going out to bars again and not coming home all night. When questioned about that I said would you rather I stayed home and played video games ? The battle continues....
:|[QUOTE="BranKetra"]I didn't explain because I didn't feel like it. If you know anything about wrestling and the Rock, you should know the overall meaning of that. Since you acted like you knew what you were talking about, I didn't see a need to explain, either.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"]I wanted an answer but then I moved on because you clearly didn't have a comeback. I was talking to LJ and you butted in.cheese_game619
It's ridiculous that it even came to this point.
I want you to acknowledge that it was lame.I want you to acknowledge that you're an a sshole.I want you to acknowledge that it was lame.I want you to acknowledge that you're an a sshole.I don't think anyone is arguing against that. I'm not lame though. Was what you said lame? (here's your chance)[QUOTE="cheese_game619"][QUOTE="BranKetra"] I didn't explain because I didn't feel like it. If you know anything about wrestling and the Rock, you should know the overall meaning of that. Since you acted like you knew what you were talking about, I didn't see a need to explain, either.
It's ridiculous that it even came to this point.
[QUOTE="BranKetra"]I want you to acknowledge that you're an a sshole.I don't think anyone is arguing against that. I'm not lame though. Was what you said lame? (here's your chance) No, it wasn't.[QUOTE="cheese_game619"]I want you to acknowledge that it was lame.cheese_game619
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