Who do you think would win, Hipster Anarchists or the American Capitalist Empire?
I don't think "Who would win?" is the most important question to a thread like this one. More important would be "What would be the ultimate outcome of destroying money?"
Ibelieve that money is little more than a means of exchanging value for value -- i.e. value that I own myself for value that someone else owns, in an honest exchange. It's just a neutral medium of exchange. Removing the money Governments print won't magically destroy money as a working concept. Before Governments printed money, ways were found by common people to exchange value for value using gold, silver, and other rare substances as neutral mediums of exchange that were universally recognized, with or without dictators or elected officials printed on the face of the coins or other form that these monetary instruments took. Barter systems were simply not as free flowing or as easy to manage as more neutral and divisible value systems.
No, to destroy "money" would require more than shutting down the Mints. It would require guns and lots of them, all pointed in the direction of any individuals who wanted to use it as an exchange of value for value. It would require a large and in charge organization monitoring all of us for any hint of monetary exchange. And the picture of the world that would create isn't one I find all that attractive.
Ironically, even most Communisms don't just up and destroy money. Still, there have been a few attempts to destroy money in the previous century -- Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia to name one of the most prominent ones. The result is that everyone found themselves with nearly every escape route cut off -- all trapped in a country-sized concentration camp.
I am fond of idealism and idealists, even when they don't arrive at the same conclusions I do. But this one conclusion always makes me a bit more wary than the average idealistic crusade. I don't think it would be merely a disaster to destroy money, but an outright catastrophy of epic proportions.
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