neither is very good for you, But the long term use of alcohol is FAR more damaging then energy drinks (the max limit a grown man should drink is about 21x4,5% alc in a week).
In small amounts alcohol is quite beneficial, about a half to 1 glas of wine, of beer a day is pretty healthy.Misuse leads to cronic mental problems, severe liver damage, kidney failure, blood clutting (not thickening blood, but a whole lot of small blood vessels growing into a "cork". It is highly addictive.(and lets not forget that Alcohol is listed as a poison scientificly.
Looking atwhat is in an energy Drink it aint healthy, but the long term problemsare likely less (addictioncan uccur, as with anything). They have a fairly high content of sugar, altho most candy has more, They do damage the stomache if you drink ALOT of them, and I guess you might be prone to get a depression due to the chemicals that affects your brain. Kidnery may be at pretty high workload aswell.
However Ive yet to see any documentation that states that is is more damaging then Alcohol, Energy drinks is a chem bew tho, so how each componant reacts to one another is sort of a wild card.
But to be safe, dont drink more then your body can process, I wouldnt advise more then 18-21 max a week.
If you want to live longer I would avoid both tho...
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