heres my take,
1) hes an architect not an engineer he doesnt know the advanced and nessesary maths behind hi-rise construction
2) steel structural buildings are designed to resist fire for about half an hour max which makes the time they stood for quite amazing and is a testament to their construction.
3) the building was designed with wind loading that was comparable to a 747 hitting it...well enough not to topple it over from one anway (dont ask me how wind loading codes are very complex)
4) fire from the fuel of the planes could have reached a high enough temperature to cause steel to melt
5) a lack of any strucural deflection is laughable becuase the strength of steel halves by the time it reaches 800 degrees Celcius.
6) for his conspiracy theory to work it would require EVERY column in the building to be cut through at the same time ( he implied that someone cut through the columns when the guy asked him about explosives) and well thats just not possible, this is the only way for it to fall down evenly, or near enouh evenly
7) The planes took out a few stories of flooring which REALLY messes up how the columns react. Essentially their effective length is increased which causes the bending moments acting on the columns to increase exponentially (if you know what im talking about here you should also know that its impossible to create a column that is perfectly straight and as such the axial load changes). anyway in laymans terms this means that the columns are not designed to support multiple floors.
8. the morons who hit the towers with the plane were mechanical engineers, they knew exactly where and how to hit the tower
Oh btw im a Civil/Structural Engineering student at uni, i know my steel stuff very well trust me, sure i may not have 20 years experiance but i do know my fundamentals which the guy getting interviewed convieniently igonred. I could go on but i cbf
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