Well, since i already gave in, i might as well put my own list of albums, though i still dislike the word overrated.
Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
Now... this is actually my favorite PF album, only SLIGHTLY edging out Animals, but the thing is, it has become so big and important, that the rest of the PF albums, except perhaps for The Wall, get almost completely neglegted and forgotten among non PF fans, and i don't think that's fair.
Nevermind by Nirvana(i would say anything, but practically all of Nirvana's hype comes from Nevermind)
Now... i don't think that they are the worst band of all, or this is the worst record of all time, or anything, like some of their detractors would have you believe, but i certainly think that they are more important and acclaimed than they should. The music is far too simplistic for me, it's catchy, sure, but people are going around saying Kurt Cobain is one of the best guitarist ever or something and i'm like "LOLwut???". I'm a strong believer that Simplicity does not necessarily mean bad, but i don't see anything special in Cobain's simplicity.
And... i hate to bring this, but let's be completely honest, Nirvana WAS huge, yeah, but after just a little while, they were fading out(and the grunge scene, for that matter), but then, all of a sudden, BAM, Kurt dies, and then they are the biggest band in the hole universe again. Come on...
Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts - The Beatles
Revolver and Abbey Road are far superior IMO. i don't understand why this was called the greatest album ever by the Rolling stones, though everyone's entitled to their opinion.
I'll put some more later.
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