The "one man army" in action movies...
The pointless nudity, sex scenes and random acts of inexplicable violence of horror films
Plots that make no sense
The crazy murderer with a knife
The hero that never gets injured
Happy endings that were reached through unbelievable means
Hero always gets the attractive girl
Loser always overcomes opposition and triumphs
Comedies that thrive on sexual humor
Horrible one liners - comedy and action movies
Huge explosions when a villain is killed
The psycho guy in horror movies that runs around killing everyone but can't bring himself to kill a woman who ends up killing him
Bad guy turns good because of a woman/child
Henchmen who can't shoot for ****
Good guy who somehow avoids being shot when he's out in the open against 3 guys with machine guns
People surviving explosions by unbelievable means
All i can think of at the moment..
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