It looks pretty bad. First off it starts with a bait and switch. It makes it look like a sequel/spinoff. But it's not. That's not cool. And the jokes are all terrible, the performances look over the top (outside of Kate McKinnon, who's always good) and honestly it just kind of looks... Wrong. That's the best way I can explain it. I think Ghostbusters works only under very specific circumstances. Now could this one work? Potentially. Sure. But it's not looking good. I get that the Ghostbusters are old and one is dead so you can't really do that. I get that. I do. But if you're in a universe where those characters don't even exist in any form I just tend to think it doesn't work. Those four people, and to a lesser extent the other characters, made that sing. Let's be honest here. Ghostbusters is kind of a stupid premise. Ghosts invading NY to kick off the apocalypse? That's not exactly A Tale Of Two Cities, is it? So the characters and their interactions are honestly what I believe made that movie sing. And the whole franchise. Extreme Ghostbusters wasn't terrible but it kind of didn't work, did it? It felt wrong, right? Well, I think that's because the premise of Ghostbusters needs a specific thing to make it work. And I don't think this has it.
Now, that said though, a lot of the criticism I've heard is not only not valid but ignorant and frankly offensive. The genders of the leads has nothing to do with it. At all. I don't know why so many people have to scream and cry and get offended by what they call "pandering to women" when the vast majority of movies and TV shows in genres we tend to enjoy are led by men. Is that pandering to men? No one puts it like that. And yet every time we see a female-led proposition that's exactly what the internet says. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. And even if it is pandering, so what? If that's the case it's targeted at someone different. So? That's fine. You don't need to have all the stuff. Let me give you an example. For those of you outside the US, there's a fairly popular show here called Pretty Little Liars. That show is about teenage girls and teenage girl BS. I've never seen that show and I'm not interested in seeing it. Because I don't care about teenage girl BS, I don't want to see teenage girl BS, and I want to stay as far away from teenage girl BS as I can. Therefore I don't watch shows about teenage girl BS.
But I'm not offended by its existence. It's not what I'm into. That show being made may have prevented something I'd like from getting on the air. Maybe. We don't know. It's possible. But I don't need to have all the TV shows. I don't need to have all the movies. I'm okay with other people having things. I don't need to hoard. If they want to make a movie for little girls to imagine they're the Ghostbusters like we did I'm 100% good with that. Again, I don't need all the stuff. Someone else having their own Ghostbusters is totally fine with me and I encourage it. It's nice to see some diversity. That's the world we live in so it's nice to see our media reflecting that. I'm going to see the movie and if it sucks I'm going to be disappointed but it won't ruin my day and I won't be offended that it wasn't what I like. Not liking it is fine. Criticizing the actual content is fine. But being offended by the idea of female Ghostbusters is not fine. Gender-based complaints are not fine. I'll back any legit criticism of that trailer. It was bad. But when the line gets crossed I have to call it like I see it.
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