The Muslim Brotherhood is the world's most influential and one of the largest Islamist movements, and is the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states.
The presidential candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt declared that the Brotherhood's mission is to "institute God's Religion on Earth, organize our life and the lives of people on the basis of Islam, establish the Ummah on the basis of Islam, and subjugate people to God."
"The Muslim individual must come first, then the Muslim family, the Muslim society, the Islamic government, and finally the global Islamic State."
"The Prophet began to expand the Islamic state to cover the Arabian Peninsula, and then began to launch the Global State of Islam; and the evidence is that holy war took place in his time away from the Arabian Peninsula."
"Every individual in the Society should be [an] Islam, a walking Quran, his deeds should be the Quran; his faith, worship, manners, relationships, and all that is related to his behavior, thoughts, and emotions should be identical with the Islam that Muhammad (pbuh) got from God Almighty."
"A society where each can do what he wants or anyone with an idea different from that of the majority can say it cannot be called an Islamic society."
"Thus this part of our method represents constants and there is no room for discussion about change and developing. No one can come and say "let's change the overall mission." No one can say "let's remove one of these objectives." No one can say "instead of the Society let's make a party or two." No. All of these are constants that represent the fundamental framework for our method, the method of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is not open to developing or to change."
"Every novelty is innovation, every innovation is heresy, and every heresy is in hell".
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