Something big just happened tonight, something that could shape my future.
My dad owns a salon. It makes a lot of money, that is a fact, but he has to work with a lot of women. However i never thought he would be the sort of person to have an affair with one of these thai bimbos.
My mum found out about this 4 years ago on my 12 birthday. The fights were EXPLOSIVE when she brought it up, him denying it and all, while she calling him a liar. Eventually they cooled down and she gave him a second chance, and i thought that would be the end of it, never to be heard of again.
But tonight my mum read my dads mobile phone. Here was one of the messages, to his previous lover.
"Missing you so much. Really bored here in the house.
Love David
with a picture of a bear holding a heart
So as you can imagine my mum and Dad became EXTREMELY hostile towards each other and the tension finally ended in a nuclear argument the likes of which i have never seen before.
You can imagine the scene.
Them shouting at each other. Him hitting her. She crying.
Usually i just let them get it out of themselves but when i heard he hit her and twisted her arm, I...I couldn't contain myself.
So after my mum was talking to us in our bedroom. He came in and accused her off spreading lies and making for her again, wanting to HIT HER INFRONT OF HIS OWN CHILDREN.
I was out of my chair like a flash and lifted him off his feet shouting at him never to hit my mum again. I never knew i could be so angry.
So when i put him down he was in a state of shock. He loves me very much me being his only son, and i love him so much too.
And then he went APE trashing the house and crying and shouting swear words at my mum as if she had twisted me against him which is not true. I think he thought it was the ultimate betrayal.
Im pretty sure he has some mental problems deep down inside after what he witnessed as a child. Perhaps physical abuse seemed normal to him after seeing his mother and father at each others throats.
So he crashed out of the house and into the car , driving away into the night.
10 mins later he phones crying and saying he wants to kill him self(i think hes being dramatic-he'd never do that no matter what state he was in). Ive never heard him so sad. and that makes me sad too:(
I honestly cant see any way out of this except divorce, but if it goes that way im praying to god it wont be messy.
Anyone else been through a divorce before, or seen their parents have massive fights?
Much advice would be appreciated im feeling really sad atm. Ive even shed a few tears which is unusual even for me.
:( :( :( :(
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