Okay. So here is where I am at- I am about to graduate from a state university with a BA in history. Right now I am leaning towards law school for environmental law because 1. environmental issues are a passion 2. it interests me. But it terrifies me. It can financially wreck you and doesn't guarantee a paycheck like it used to.
At the same time, I have a fantasy of becoming a musician, but obviously, REAL success in that is not realistic. And only recently have I started getting a musicians "career" (and i use that term lightly) going. I have started playing consistantly with one person and gigs are on the horizon.
Here is the wild card: In my last few years of highschool, I "woke up", and started taking school much more seriously as a path to success. I started taking classes with the kids who are in ivy league schools now, and I feel I am staring at the glass ceiling. I have this desire for success, money, and influence, and either of my paths do not guarantee that, but the alternative to not trying is staying at my dead end (though not "bad") college kid job.
I feel like I need to prove something to myself and the world. I have never felt recognized for successes and I am afraid that lashing out and going gung ho in any direction will just lead to more dissapointment.
Just curious, but what is behind your aspirations to achieve material success and "influence," as you put it? I'm in the middle of law school and to be quite frank, that mindset is both prevalent and well-worn as it can get. If your motivations seem as shallow -- sorry, bud, but that's the way YOU present it -- as they seem, then I don't know how getting a JD, regardless of where it's minted from, will distinguish you from the rest of the social-climbing, throat-cutting, toadies who pursue the profession (in droves) on either admitted or false pretenses.
That haughty angst, that is, the "I have something to prove," "chip on my shoulder" mentality you're harboring there, is something I sincerely hope you grow out of. It's that kind of mentality that professionals, never mind those who possess the power to seriously mislead others through their ability to practice law, need to abstain from indulging, as it almost always leads to destructive, ruinous results on both a professional and personal level.
Honestly, it sounds like you should do a little "growing up" before you decide to make the life-changing decision of attending law school. Moreover, and I sincerely hope that this is something you do, I suggest that you seriously consider whether you want to help others in the pursuit of justice (you know... the whole point of law?).
Environmental issues are a passion and I figure that I would be best suited for a legal role in them. I am a history major, and have a basic understanding of fact finding, analysis, cause for laws, etc., but also have a bio minor and understand the science.
I have just read some horror stories on people who get ruined by law school debt and on top of that, they say that other lawyers around them are frankly "scummy", and all of these lawyers are working underpaid long hours and just burning out.
I really do appreciate your response. I feel like in the last couple days I have kinda decided to push this ahead a little longer and try to find some internship or NGO related legal work instead of going straight to law school. Between now and then I might even decide against it.
This comparison issue of mine is something that I am working on with my shrink. It sucks, I know, and I think getting over it will be great for me.
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