I don't know if I wish to fight for something that I really don't care to have.
I consider existence a curse. From all I've been through, it's a curse. I'm living a life of misery, and it may get much worse. I may lose my left arm. This is from a very serious disease I was diagnosed with at 20 (31 now), and I won't get into the details as it would take forever to explain. Let's just say I'm fighting and am seriously doubting my ability to survive. I have been through so much in 11 years that it's a bit hard to believe I'm still here.
I'm in pain a majority of the time, I get chemotherapy which makes me very sick 4 days out of the week (I've grown intimate with the porcelain goddess) and have to repeat it week after week for a year (unless my white blood cell count is too low where I get a week off), and then be on it chronically on and off throughout my life. For those who've never had to endure chemo-"therapy", let's just say it's a horrific, barbaric treatment that is merciless and brutal. It basically is getting repeatedly poisoned. Why would I wish to live with something like this? Can anyone give me any valid reason at all?
I hate God. Boy have I got something to tell Him when we arrive face to face....that's assuming He even exists. And if He does, I will never worship Him, because I simply don't believe creation and existence are gifts. Cast me down, you think I haven't suffered?Life can be a living nightmare.This has led me to embrace various Eastern Religious views: namely Buddism, Hinduism, and Pantheism. They make the most sense to me. As such, I have come to believe in rebirth, which is even more depressing. Who'd want to live over and over again?What an ultimate bummer. But it sure as hell makes more sense to me than some loving, caring father in the sky. My heart is now filled with hate, bitterness, and rage towards that figure, where once gratefulness, happiness, and optimism resided. I can't tell you how many times I've prayed in bed while sobbing uncontrollably for some form of relief, begging, pleading for anything. What a crock of ****!
Trying to keep a positive attitude is very, very difficult. I have pictures of people with no arms, those who are paraplegic, in Iraq, etc. on my walls to remind me of what I do have everyday.I give blessings to my parents and all they provide, and the care that our medical professionals are able to accomplish. Still it's hard, and man do I try. I find it incredibly insensitive and uncompassionate for people to look at other people in distress and negatively judge them for not consistently holding a positive attitude. It's kicking someone when they're down. Someone gets diagnosed with a life threatening disease, and then is blamed and looked down upon because they are not constantly positive. Don't people realize we have our really hard days? Who the hell are they to judge? It's like people who are very sick are held to an even higher expectations of constant optimism than those that aren't sick. If they aren't positive, they are weak. What the hell do they know of strength??
Simply put, I'm in misery and, quite frankly, life blows. At this point, the highlight of my day is right before I go to bed, take narcotics, and slip into my dreams. Then I awake to pain, constant nausea, and an overall feeling of misery. And I should thank a creator for this? What? Am I allowed into a higher level in heaven for enduring this torment, or is Satan simply gaining enjoyment through it before he warmly embraces me for my eternal stay at the hellfire hotel for lying and lusting?Am I given this because "God only gives those of us what He knows they can handle"? Gee whiz, do I feel special! I have looked for answers EVERYWHERE. The more questions I ask, the more come up, and the more confused I become.
Go ahead, tell me to get off the self-pity wagon, I've heard it all before many times. Walk in my shoes. I'm trying everything to get on my feet, wake up, reach inside and continue my life, and everytime I attempt to reach inside myself I come up with nothing. It's a self-discovery that I am not enjoying finding out, but I WILL eventually change it, even if it kills me. I can do better than this. I fight everyday and do have my good days, but this is a semi-bad one. Don't mistake me, I do get out on my good days and go diving, take drives, go to the beach, lust at hot chicks. Talking about going to the beach....don't stare at someone with a physical deformity......for future reference--it's extremely rude.
To top it off, no one wishes to be around me. Big surprise eh? I don't blame them in the least. No one enjoys being around someone miserable. I really do not have any friends. Zero. Some in California, but even they are not returning my calls. There's one person on here that I am grateful to be in contact with, you know who you are and I am very grateful to you. I'm on the verge of rage constantly, and am afraid I'll snap and do something I'll seriously regret. My anger seeps out of my pores at everyone. I'm resentful of healthy people, not that I choose to be, I am....just like you can't choose to be in love. I can't assign logic to emotion, and am incapable of changing how I feel through sheer willpower.
I just am coming to the end of my rope. There's only so much I can handle and what I have is pushing it. I can't make sense of anything, I'm spinning in space, nothing works and as hard as I try it seems like fate has predestined me to leaving this earth earlier than planned. That perhaps would turn out to not be such a bad thing maybe. I'll try to take it a day at a time, that's the only way I know how. I owe my life to those I love as I would never put them through such hardship as taking my own life. Once they are gone however, what's to stop me from joining them? I go to therapy once a month (all my healthcare provider gives, which is not enough.....twice a week is what's needed.) My anti-depressants are many, I'm contemplating stopping them completely and just riding it out and seeing where it leads. WTF? How can life turn from such excitment, hope, and wonder to such despair and horror in such a short amount of time? Maybe there's a big payoff in the future for me, but as it stands now the present SUCKS.
Hell and Heaven are not someplace we go to after we die, we are living it right now.
And NO, I didn't feel like blogging it.
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