My 3 are:
1. Wow. Just wow.
2. Meh. (Not really all that irritating. I just hear it too much)
3. Really? Really?
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My 3 are:
1. Wow. Just wow.
2. Meh. (Not really all that irritating. I just hear it too much)
3. Really? Really?
Does "Oh Em Gee" count? My mates bf says that and it's really annoying >_>tofu-lion91
I've never heard that one before.
One does get tired of hearing "you know what I'm sayin?" every 2nd or 3rd line in a conversation.
Edit: I have caused some to stop & laugh, when they catch on, because I start answering "no, Idon't."
I just have one: "ok" I hate it when people say that or text me that. What the hell do I say/reply to that?! Topic killer right there. Not to mention it makes them seem uninterested.Kenny789Yes especially in MSN chats, but I do that sometimes too, cause I got nothing to say. :P
My mate recently said that he finds epic ridiculous and even made a blog to rant about how a trip to the bus stop is not epic etc. I try and say it as much as possible around him now :PPwn and epic without a doubt. I had an obsessed friend for like a year, and every conversation was depressing =(
[QUOTE="sirgaratis"][QUOTE="thepwninator"]"IMO". Nothing even comes CLOSE to how overused this little expression is.thepwninatorIn your opinion. No, it is not. It is used in many, many situations where there is clearly no need whatsoever for it due to either (a) redundancy or (b) the fact that what they are saying is not actually an opinion.
Haha I was kidding just to see if you got angry. :P
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"] 1. Cool story bro. II_Seraphim_IIGod that one pisses me off so much! Everytime some guy/gal bounces into another person's thread and writes "cool story bro." I feel like eviscerating them! They should get suspended, because "cool story bro" is definitely intended to "offend and/or annoy" :x If you have nothing useful to add, then leave the damn thread without saying anything! If you have a problem with a thread or you think the thread is pointless, I have no problem with people coming in and saying "Is this really new thread worthy?" Atleast that implies some form of discussion and a general willingness to hear my explanation..."cool story bro" just implies douchebagery. Another such annoying phrase is "Blog it". If I had a penny for each time someone said "blog it".....
Wow, that's quite a rant. I think you should blog it.
Just kidding. I cannot stand when people say FML.
internet acronyms in real life are the signs of a true douche. It defeats the purpose. Why would you say "LOL" when you could just laugh? Its contradictory. You are saying "Laugh out loud" yet you arent, which implies it wasnt really that funny. So if its not "lol" worthy, why would you say "lol"? As for IDK thats just lazy as hell. I understand acronyms like NASA because the full name is pretty damn long, but IDK has the same number of syllables as "I don't know". In speech length isnt depicted by the number of letters but the number of syllables.Bro/Brah/Broski/Bro(Insert suffix) have started to bother me.
And it bothers me when people use IDK or LOL when speaking...leave that crap online where it belongs.
[QUOTE="sirgaratis"][QUOTE="thepwninator"]"IMO". Nothing even comes CLOSE to how overused this little expression is.thepwninatorIn your opinion. No, it is not. It is used in many, many situations where there is clearly no need whatsoever for it due to either (a) redundancy or (b) the fact that what they are saying is not actually an opinion.
In my opinion, I agree, IMO.
No, it is not. It is used in many, many situations where there is clearly no need whatsoever for it due to either (a) redundancy or (b) the fact that what they are saying is not actually an opinion.[QUOTE="thepwninator"][QUOTE="sirgaratis"] In your opinion. McJugga
In my opinion, I agree, IMO.
Wonderful example. It is not your opinion that you agree. Whether or not you agree is a fact, whether you like it or not. If you agree, you agree. I can't argue that there's a different viewpoint that shows that you actually disagree. Therefore, it is NOT an opinion. Your reasons for agreeing may be opinions, but the use of "IMO" in your sentence is completely and totally unwarranted.1. Take a chill pill! (If anyone says this in my presence, they will be slapped with a trout.)
3. When people otherwise use internet phrases IRL. However, OMG was so irritating that it had to stand on its own. :P I admit, I say "fail", but I at least know where most of these phrases and memes came from. *cough*/b/*cough* Most of the people who use them have no clue how they started.
My 3 are:
1. Wow. Just wow.
2. Meh. (Not really all that irritating. I just hear it too much)
3. Really? Really?
You would hate me then. I say 2. and 3. a lot when I'm playing video games and I get BS'ed on a kill or something.
Lately I've been seeing people on myspace saying "FML", it means "f*** my life".
It's the new casual thing to say when things don't go their way..or for no reason at all.
[QUOTE="super_mario_128"] 1. Cool story bro. II_Seraphim_IIGod that one pisses me off so much! Everytime some guy/gal bounces into another person's thread and writes "cool story bro." I feel like eviscerating them! They should get suspended, because "cool story bro" is definitely intended to "offend and/or annoy" :x If you have nothing useful to add, then leave the damn thread without saying anything! If you have a problem with a thread or you think the thread is pointless, I have no problem with people coming in and saying "Is this really new thread worthy?" Atleast that implies some form of discussion and a general willingness to hear my explanation..."cool story bro" just implies douchebagery. Another such annoying phrase is "Blog it". If I had a penny for each time someone said "blog it".....
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