But rap music. I just have never enjoyed or cared about this genre. R&B, soul, jazz sure those are great, but rap I just don't care about. It hasn't changed or evolved in the time that its been in existence and it seems to just get lazier with age.
what a surprise. an OTer who admits to not even listening to a genre making ridiculous bold statements about said genre. but hey, ignorance is bliss though right?
The evolution of rap is the idea that rap music used to be about gang related activity, drug use, and living in urban hell and is now about soulless figureheads doing nothing but singing about sexual exploitation and money. 50 Cent is a business man who makes more money than most people will ever see with their own eyes, Snoop Dogg had his own reality show, Eminem hasn't been interesting since he came into being, and Kanye West is an egotistical maniac. A lot of rap artists have moved on to sell out to becoming actors in movies and god-awful reality TV. This isn't exclusive to rap music either, but it just seems to be a fairly common theme within the genre. Rap music has devolved into a #@$-waving contest between rap "artists" and their own idiotic rivalries between each other. Nobody (in mainstream rap anyway) seems to care about the genre above their own wallets.
Nothing I say here is going to change anything. It's just my subjective viewpoint on the topic. People are going to continue to support genres I despise and that just makes me that much more motivated to seek out better music.
you seem to think that the evolution of hip hop has to be strictly confined to it's relevance in the top 40. this is not true for any genre of music, ever. you obviously don't listen to hip hop so how can your subjective viewpoint be taken with anything more than a grain of salt? should we base our thoughts on the current evolution of rock off of nickelback and daughtry? mainstream music these days is awful, we get it. thank god that means jack **** though...
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